Success flashlabs td


Well-known member

I noticed an increase in energy and motivation almost right away. By the 8th day, I could definitely tell the super powers were starting to creep in. Running 175mg every three days. I’ll keep y’all posted with the progression. But so far, totally happy with the experience from Flash.
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I said almost right away…meaning a couple days after. And I know my body well enough to recognize that the day after smoking 500lbs on the dead lift for reps that I had energy and motivation to do 5 hours of yard work is very untypical.
There’s an immediate uptake in free testosterone circulating the system, which only gets more and more saturated. Plenty of people have told me I wouldn’t feel anything for three weeks. That’s B.S.
I take things literally the way you phrased almost right away,and I didn’t say anything about weeks.
I have proof you can feel injects right away.
Everyone’s body is different.
Here’s one example: I went 5 1/2 months natural. I started deca. Six hours after my shot I wacked off 6 times in a row. SIX FUCKING TIMES!!! Who does that??? Progesterone derivatives make me horny as a goat!
Testosterone kicks in super fast too if you’re new to it or if you’ve been off gear after using high doses long term. It scared the crap out of me the quick rage I felt after 9 1/2 months natural after 23 years of several grams a week. I came close to hurting those I loved which is so unlike me, and it was over nothing.
I’ve been using gear for 25 years and I know my body damn well.