I am sittin on the back deck,smoking things, and decided I needed to express and acknowledge things that make me smile, I already verbally expressed things to my wife this morning, my appreciation towards her loyalty and her willingness to help me no matter what it is.So in the present, I am smiling cause of my dogs,there fun to watch, and they actually make me smile. So does my daughter, she’s so innocent still, and I can only prepare her for so much, you know.What the fuck, my estro must be high,gotta go eat a adex.So I am gonna do bis later, maybe ride the quad,grill,have a few beers and most likely forget to be grateful for awhile, but in the few mins that I took the time to think and write about this,everything was great.
I am sittin on the back deck,smoking things, and decided I needed to express and acknowledge things that make me smile, I already verbally expressed things to my wife this morning, my appreciation towards her loyalty and her willingness to help me no matter what it is.So in the present, I am smiling cause of my dogs,there fun to watch, and they actually make me smile. So does my daughter, she’s so innocent still, and I can only prepare her for so much, you know.What the fuck, my estro must be high,gotta go eat a adex.So I am gonna do bis later, maybe ride the quad,grill,have a few beers and most likely forget to be grateful for awhile, but in the few mins that I took the time to think and write about this,everything was great.