SB Labs

Sunday Nov. 7th lifting and diets,what are we doin today

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did some edibles yesterday which was great just went to a movie with some friends. Woke up this morning still high, im like i got to get stuff done. I had some coffee, good thing about daylight savings is a get an extra hour. Now im working on some school work before a have a minor surgery tomorrow on my back to remove a big birthmark. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Got up after another 12-hour sleep session (in the wake of being up 60-hours straight) and ate the buffet: eggs, bacon, bagels, protein bar, coffee, and juice. Then spent two hours arguing with my HOA trying to prevent those fuckers from cutting down my crepe myrtles in VA, probably unsuccessfully. Then went to visit my father in law in the hospital and flew back to NYC, where I kinda gave the fuck up and am having a couple of glasses of wine. I’ll hit the gym tomorrow. FML.
Your a smarter man then me,but even smarter men invented drugs that pacify guys like me into even keeled men.
Hope you have fun there. I don’t like crowds but packer fans are alright. They don’t get too obnoxious
They are, and my wife loves them and cries herself to sleep thinking about losing them at the same time she may be losing her father, mother and sister in the coming six months. Heartless fucking bastards at the HOA view it all as a political power play–beat the NYC lawyer, woohoo! Really pathetic when one gets one’s self-esteem from being on an HOA board and cutting down someone’s beloved trees over their objection!
You have your hands full. Good thing you got big shoulders. Your wife is in good hands.

Same thing down here with hoas. There’s some that can be unreasonable pain in the azzs. Mine can go either way…
Thanks, guys. We will get through it. But damn, sometimes it’s overwhelming. Did manage to get a reasonably good chest workout in today, so there’s that!
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