Sup guys/girls 4ever stories about your best cycle

For size … easy… 500 / 500 late 1990s sustanon and deca … the old brown organon amps. Was the go to size cycle in the late 90s! Threw in some anadrol for strength sometime. 225 warm ups for 25 reps… few sets of 315… few of 405 … God no wonder my shoulders kill me lol! T Micheals sweatshirt … only only guys know about these! Having flashbacks …
Best bulk was 500 test e, 300 deca a week for 10 weeks and sdrol 25mg/day w/ test e 500/wk for about a month at the end. Put on stupid size. Best cut cycle I’d say is the one I’m on right now, 375 test e, 100 mast e, 100 cyp, 100 tren e per week for about 10 weeks. I’ve probably got about 2 weeks left. I’ve leaned out a lot, very strong, and everything just kinda looks better. I’m gonna pct after this and cool my heels until March probably, then the current plan is test e 500 and tren ace 150 per week. I don’t think I need to run a lot of tren, and mentally I do t think it’s a good idea. I can manage low levels and I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m standing over a body like “fuck I shouldn’t have done that”
Funny…Knew T-Micheal personally. About 5 years older, skinny but hit it big. His sisters used to sew the clothes .i wish Thundercats shorts would have lasted. Joe blockhead was his good buddy and we all trained back in a suburb of Chicago. We lost Troy Zucculato(so) at a club the night before he was guest posing at the IL state. I was always just the big kid that was gonna turn pro, so they let me hang out with them. Except for the supplements they all looked out for me with the other shit that the late 80s and 90s bbers did. I think max muscle or some other company sued them for the spiked hair guy(joe block head) We had a ton of top AAU guys around and after I saw them wi the. America, universe, and then the NPC would place them 15th, in a show the should of won, I soured on the bbing as money making. Vince Taylor was a AAU guy…that they couldn’t fuck over. Comerford(rip) they had to turn pro but they couldn’t get shit for sponsors or placings. Pete Miller, 89 90 Americas…nothing. Oh well.
On that particular cycle Tren A was a gram a week and went to 1200 a week at peak with a over a gram a week of test c. maybe around 1200-1500. I think mast p was at 700mg. Well over 3grams a week all together. Dont remember the exact numbers… I know i had winstrol, halo and some other things thrown in there.

There was a point when I just stopped growing for whatever reason. If I ate more I would get fat and didnt want that. I just wasnt growing lean anymore. Guy told me to take less and eat more. But I couldnt even eat as much as he did when we’d go out to eat steak. My genetics werent nearly as good as his lol. Another person taught me that 1gram test was a base. Consider everything else above that. So thats when I bumped my 600mg levels of test p to 1gram of test p (later going to test c because the amount of scar tissue I had).

I felt fucking amazing in the gym and like I was going to explode everywhere. But when i had to run a relatively short distance once I was so fucking winded I thought I was going to collapse. This was in front of people. Same day I had to walk up and stairs and the heavy breathing just let me know I needed to back it down a bit and forget about size since I wasnt competing.
I have polaroids somewhere still…because I knew omg no one will believe me tomorrow. The only harm reduction as you know was anavar were 2.5mg so if you took a handful it was 35mg, anadrol by SYNTEX 2902(?)s, if you did 2 ok. Any more and you would get bloody noses when you’d train. Most. I knew a couple idiots that took 200mg to 300mg a day. Eq, was 50mg so 500 a week was " a pain in the ass" winny too. So that was my harm reduction. I couldn’t take it anymore. Your immune system would give you flu-like symptoms. I have to say one of the best I did precontest. Was 5 durabolin(npp), 5 primo depot, in and out win tabs, anavar at 25mg(take winny one day, a navar one day) mile at and halo at whatever amt. Aques test or prop or both. Erase that if you have to. Because of the small mg in each…it was like at or under 2 grams a week. That’s like guys just test LA dose now and before. Prop was 50mg, npp, 50mg amps, I mean you remember…i would get sick and couldn’t eat. Then came the going across the border days. Doing all your long acting stuff in 2 days maybe trying to take a weeks worth or androl back or clomid, thyroid. I look back and it was a great idea then. When you get older it’s funny because my best ideas now id pass it by 5 people. Then, I always wondered why not stay in Mexico for precontest. There was a decent gym even by nogales!!!
I remember those nosebleeds all the time. The weekend frequent trips to mexico lol. That was a good time and miss the trips we took with friends to go load up. Buy a 50cc bottle of luarabolin and see how much you could inject and hold for the week, fuck half lives back then. Those sustenon preloads that the needles felt barbed wire going in. I was in front seat while a friend was injecting his shoulder in the back seat and just see stream of blood hitting the window lol. The second if you walked across the border the guys on mexico side would see you an be calling out trying to take you to buy steroids which were usually the fake shit. Everyone trying to make their money on it back. Seems like a lifetime ago.
I now feel
My cycles aren’t that bad. This next year depending on meet plans. But I will run trens nad dhb at some point. Maybe a 12 week 2 g test cycle and then test deca for meet prep