SB Labs

Synovex® (testosterone propionate)


Synovex® (testosterone propionate)

Anabolic 100
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity moderate
Progestational Activity low

Synovex is a blended-ingredient steroid implant
preparation, which is available only as a veterinary item for use in cattle. The implant comes in the form of small pellets, which are pushed into the ear of an animal with a very large implant gun. Once implanted, the pellets slowly dissolve, providing an extended release of steroids for many weeks. The hormone content of Synovex is mixed, with each pellet containing 25 mg testosterone propionate and 2.5 mg estradiol benzoate. This 10:1 ratio has been demonstrated to provide an added anabolic/weight gaining effect in feed animals, improving the value of the livestock. Given its estrogen content, Synovex is clearly not an ideal steroid for humans. Most athletes have only become attracted to this product out of sheer desperation for legitimate anabolics, as cattle implants like this are not regulated as controlled substances in the U.S. to spite their steroid content. Otherwise, a pure testosterone propionate product would be much more appropriate.
This is the reason for men losing their natural testosterone at young ages its because our food has hormones in it that effect our natural systems starting before they even start working
Yeah, it worked… towards the end of being able to home brew with it, i think it was revised to make it much harder to remove the estradiol… that’s about when I stopped using it, it was already sketchy enough… especially knowing the guy it came from, he was like the Nikki Sixx of steroid use, if it looked like you could shoot it, he would… SMH
JB_rD81 said:
especially knowing the guy it came from, he was like the Nikki Sixx of steroid use, if it looked like you could shoot it, he would… SMH
Hell no not me lol lol im so scared about getting an infection or abcess.
I can understand being young though I have done more dumb things than I can list lol especially with AAS smh lol
With the exception of using that, I’ve tried to be careful… I was always scared of abscess and infection, about 10 years ago I knew a few guys who all had to have lumps removed from either their glutes or shoulders… luckily I’ve been able to avoid that
That was my first cycle. Synovex and Finaplix test prop tren ace. I was young and dumb but I got shredded as hell. Tren is crazy stuff. I like the chemistry aspect of home brew though.