Tailor Made Compounding Pharmacy Illegally Sold SARMs

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SARMs have always been illegal to sell as dietary supplements. SARMs never met the criteria under federal law. They were always considered “unapproved new drugs” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

I don’t want to say I told you so but I called it all these people that believe a label saying research only or not for human consumption was going to save them and now LE is coming for them this is the second in 2wks and I suspect that many more have already been taken down.

Look at Tony he had to flee the country for Thailand. I don’t believe that there ever coming back now maybe one day will see that Tony and sadly coach Trevor will have gotten arrested especially since they admitted to crimes on television but no big deal 😉 lol
I don’t like them… Just like the “pro hormones” and “pro steroids” and all the designer OTC shit from 10, 15 and 20 years ago… I never liked any of that shit, I tried a handful of different things, and I always felt fucking terrible when taking them… never felt like that on any gear, except Tren… Tren hates me and I love Tren, so I avoid it at all costs possible.
I only liked the original one from muscle tech when hydroxycut was an ECA stack that was a legit prohormone stack all the rest ive never gotten into my most exotic compound is MHN that’s it
I took some pro hormones maybe 20 years ago. I don’t remember the name. Bad decision! Made me feel bad and i had a metallic taste every time i took them. Threw that crap in the trash.
@Bigmurph I remember the Muscle Tech stack! That shit was great! I beleive it was ANOTESTEN, NORTESTEN and Hydroxycut… that took some remembering clear back to my GNC days.
I moved on quick. I think that stuff was around in 99 or 2000 when I was 19 or 20, and I was using test and dbol shortly after…
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