SB Labs

Test acetate experience


ICU nurse/Moderator
Hello brethren,

Anyone have any experience with test acetate? I know it has a higher test content than prop related to ester weight. Some folks say it has no PIP, compared to prop, which sounds nice.

I get two numbers for the half life: 3 days, or 1 day depending on which chart you happen to stumble across.

Just looking for anyone’s experience with it?

I’m assuming since it’s half life is shorter than prop I would require ED pinning, but might would pair nicely with Tren ace and require less test bc of the higher content.

I also have a nursing student with me at work so I may just reading into this too much out of boredom.

@Optumpharma your input is always appreciated… you always know all the things.
@NeuroRN thank you for the question as always!

I have synthesized Test Ace and Test Base for a few individuals over the years. But when we discuss “Test Ace” we need to be clear on the charts we review that this does depend on the carrier oil and the bodies ability to break down the hormone into the needed metabolites to convert the hormone. So, this is where it can get sticky from 1 day down to 3 days on the half life.

But just for this discussion i would never run Test Ace as a base cycle- This would have major high and lows and require daily pinning.

Given the highlighted cycle on a simple Test/Tren Cycle i would administer the following protocol to build fast and aggressive results in a 3-5 day swing then ride the normal esters as your going forward cycle. Please see below!

10 Week Cycle
Tren Base- 50mg daily Weeks 1-2
Test Ace 50mg daily Weeks 1-2
Tren Ace 100mg EOD Weeks 1-10
Test Prop 100mg EOD Weeks 1-10

This will give you the immediate receptor plus while allowing the hormones on the back end to peak correctly. We could always add orals and other compounds. But, for the sake of these compounds the listed above will be great!

Best as always Neuro!