Test C vs Test E (whats better)


Well-known member
I have run a test c cycle and i have tried a test e cycle. I noticed the most gains from test c but this was also my first cycle ever. I wanted to ask more experienced users as to what they prefer. I know both are long esters practically the same with an extra maybe day on the half-life and very similar in cost. From opinion do you personally see a difference? I ran a test e cycle but I feel the gear was bunk and I ended up tossing so I have no comparison.
Test is test. Most pick one or the other based on if it gives pip or not, getting more gains off one or the other is typically based on diet and training, not their ester. You noticed more gains off one, did you do everything exactly the same for both…
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I just think the second cycle of e was bunk or severely under dosed. the c was my first cycle ever so I feel as if gains were better. I will give C a whirl again was just looking to see about pip and if people noticed better or worse bloat/water/sides.
Only difference, that I read basically, is in Canada they prescribe E, while here in the states dr’s mostly prescribe cyp…
Other than that, it’s just preference…
Bout the same one has a little bit longer Ester life but I can’t ever remember. You probably noticed the gains because it was your first ever cycle. Nothing like popping your first cherry. Either one is good for TRT or for bulking or even cutting. I used cyp my whole last prep for NA and Nationals till 1 week our then dropped test.
I beleive the weight of the esters is different too, meaning both esters at the same dose, one will have more testosterone due to the difference in weight of the ester… not sure who, but I vaguely remember someone having a pretty big post about this on this board… maybe one of the mods can help find it?? @Bigmurph @TBU
I run both both for TRT, most compounding pharmacies in the us tend to produce cyp 200. Although, I have the option via my doctor to order prop, eth or the compounding pharmacy’s version of sustanon which is dosed at 250. Personally, I have never really experienced a difference between any… for cycle I tend to run prop just because I’m already pinning multiple times and can gauge dosages more accurately (as I don’t run high doses cycles anymore)
Know your esters Home Brew
Effect in relation to the ester chain / half-life. After years on this board, I see new and old members, unfortunately, have a wrong understanding ang Ester Chain / effect, many are convinced that the Sust for instance works better than Omnadren, Omnadren and works better than pure Test E and Test Cyp bloat more than test E. I want to make these myths in the ground in the chase this time. First, I explain a little about the basic structure of the basic hormones: All natural & synthetic AAS s…
C carries one extra carbon than E. Cypionate has a bit longer life than Enanthate a day or two. Cypionate historically has a bit more pip with some than Enanthate. I like E. But I “feel” C has more ability to give Stable test levels. E is less expensive to produce. Some places just label Enanthate “Cypionate” and bump the price 5 to 10 bucks. A good sponsor you can tell if you have PIP sensitivity. Or testing is the best. 😁
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