SB Labs

Test Undecanoate for trt


ICU nurse/Moderator
Anyone actually had any experience with this for TRT?

They say once a month pinning, but it that really going to keep your levels stable?

Would it need to be more like every two weeks?

My dad really hates pinning and I’m curious if this would be a better option. I just don’t see much first hand experience out there.
I’ve spoken with some on neibedo that hate it and ive talked to some that have a doctor who doesn’t follow exact label procedures of once every 4wks and he is happy so I believe that you need a good doctor who is really into getting you leveled out and it can definitely work.
The only complaint from the happy person was that his e2 will spike quickly and then his AI adex eventually gets the estrogen back to normal but he said that the estrogen roller coaster even on adex is hard to deal with sometimes.
Yeah I was looking at one of our sponsors. Then pharma is crazy expensive. He’s got his levels pretty well figured out, sounds like I don’t need to go messing with a good thing. Pinning sucks. Time to get over it pops!
I would assume that with all the research bog pharma does that they would be making inroads into something that wouldn’t require such frequency. I’m wondering how far they’ve gotten with pellets or if theres a new type on tje horizon.
Trt is really popular in the states because it really helps people with quality of life but I don’t see products coming out and its because of the bias the states have against hormones and doping.

This is why almost all the research comes from the EU

Look at medical marijuana the states have it classified schedule 1 no medical use and right now multiple millions of Americans are using medical marijuana in a country that’s laws say it has zero medical value.
They treat hormones like this also but over the years its been seen that just like they demonized marijuana they demonize hormones :roll_eyes:
Along the same lines as the lack of research into TRT for women and the innumerable health benefits from women having “high” test into their older age. But no one will do any clinical trials in terms of dosing and Ester because there is no money to be made in a new patent.
I’ve never heard of pellets infection. But it makes sense. Anytime you open up a “wound” theres that chance.
I should have been a chemist so I would know how to create new compounds because my life’s work would be to create the true perfect hormone for bodybuilding. I would probably end up in prison but I would make a compound with a 100 100 type of testosterone or tren were anabolic and androgenic are the same ratio.

It would be simple I would basically make a cut mix type of blend so that a patient would get testosterone, nandrolone, and primo I would just need to create a compound that was all that together and remove the side effects. Make it a mouth wash like the Russians did so no more injections maybe even a sublingual strip for dosing every day to keep levels stable instead of relying on esters and keeping you completely level day to day.

I have dreams lol
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