Testosterone Urine Smell

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There we go brother addy is definitely another oral even supps count because the more you put in the more that has to come out and water is a big part about clearing everything out your piss should be almost clear that’s perfect but dark I would definitely drink a ton .ore water plus some electrolyte additives I use mio sport others use liquid IV. This will flush out all that shit sitting in your liver and kidneys.

@NeuroRN is reccomending a doctor visit I really listen to him myself he knows his shit honestly.
If you start drinking more than a gallon of water a day and piss stays dark go straight to the doctor brother or just go and get checked and blood work two birds one stone.
Im a chugger I drink everything fast so when it’s hot I can just start downing water where eventually once I stop drinking the piss just keeps coming. Nice thing about tren sweats is less bathroom breaks for me. Although I went through at least 100 oz of water I. Hour workout
Yeah I believe its just he isn’t drinking near enough water he admitted it so if he can flush that garbage out he should be good but I especially know medications definitely effect AAS compounds while using both.
Water is super important especially when taking other medications.

@ER1995 you can try using a liver and kidney cleanse something like Tudca and Taurine or
liv-52 maybe Glutathione.
All great liver protection and cleansers.
What the!! Haha. You kept a jar of your urine? Looks like apple jelly. Don’t put that in the fish’s someone might accidentally put it on toast
Try the liquid IV like Murph suggestion. It’s awesome has three times more electrolyte then pedialyte. Plus a gallon a day minimum if you have a physically taxing job maybe more water then a gallon
I filled up the toilet twice with blood… captured some in jar for doc. It’s been tossed for a while.
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