The bodybuilding diet dilemma

Ain’t it funny when you’re on a cut, all you can think about is how you can’t wait to bulk and eat more

The damn minute you get into the swing of a bulk, all you can think about is how you don’t want anymore food.

First world problems I know. But nonetheless still a funny “grass is always greener” kind of problem haha
By the last 3 weeks of a 16 week bulk last winter I would of rather eaten a bullet then another chicken breast. Finished those last few dirty and paid dearly for it. Now I have 2 weeks left in my cut and if I ever eat egg whites and oatmeal again in this lifetime it will be too soon. Lifting weights is easy, the eating parts sucks ass lol
Shit and that’s more cardio then any of us do. I’ve never packed out for a hunt but some of my fishing spots are a hike and a half to get to and burns me out. I can only imagine with all the gear you gotta bring
Takes me a while to get into diet mode then I stop craving everything and don’t wanna do anything besides stay on diet. I’m too focused on the end result to get side tracked by some meal that’s gonna throw me off course.
Why I am on a 24/7/365 bulking cycle. Abs? Pfffft. Who needs them at my age!! You got waaaaaay more discipline then me. Look at it that way brother!! It takes a lot of discipline to do it!!
I mean it’s not like I’m back packing a lot of gear in and out,but overall it’s a lot of walking,especially when we’re pushing deer to guys who are sitting waiting for us to push.