The Importance of Cabergoline....or at least having it on hand

Many studies have shown that there is something that can be done in order for you to keep producing natural testosterone on cycle and that my friends is simply by suppressing Prolactin.

Prolactin is a hormone that when increased in the human body will decrease the normal levels of sex hormones, estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

As mentioned before some studies have confirmed the suppression of prolactin will lead to you tricking your HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) into believing that it is not on cycle. When prolactin was reduced in the body, the HPTA was able to remain unaffected by testosterone treatments. The results can reflect that the mid-range levels of prolactin reduce the sensitivity of the HPTA system.

It was also highlighted in studies that having higher prolactin levels while on cycle will result in an increased HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) responsiveness, meaning a fast shutdown of the HPTA. With high levels of prolactin in the system it will lead to sensitize the HPTA negatively in regards to gonadal steroids.

As you can see this is all starting to make perfect sense, as Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin (nandrolone deconate) are easily the most suppressive of the anabolic steroid family. And the thing that makes these steroids so suppressive is there ability to bind to the progesterone receptor, significantly increasing prolactin. This is the main reason the HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) shuts down and halts the production of natural testosterone in the body. For example a single injection of 100mg of Deca Durabolin caused a total 100% reduction of natural testosterone production, and it took a full month before the return of natural testosterone in the body levels out.

With my experiences in taking CABERGOLINE (Dostinex) (suppressor of prolactin) I can happily confirm that this product is the REAL DEAL. Cabergoline drove my libido through the roof and I felt like my sex drive was that of a 18 year old. I also noticed that I was experiencing very powerful orgasms and my recovery time between sex was much faster I felt locked and loaded at all times! Having experienced Deca Durabolin and testosterone before it is easy for me to say that Cabergoline (Dostinex) is a must have when you are cycling trust me when I tell you this, it will change your cycle experience for the better!
I’m on 600mg NPP and I’m taking .25 every 5 days. Having absolutely zero negative sides. Your dose may vary slightly. I believe the common dosing protocol is .25 2× per week but e5d is working great for me personally
@Cdubb908 Running 700mg Sust as well so I was dosing Aromisin 12.5 e4d but last week I started 100mg Anadrol ed had a little acne flare up on my shoulders (nothing to bad) so I upped my Aromisin to 12.5 e3d as well as 50mg Proviron which is just something I like to run with everything bc of all the benefits it provides. I’m almost out of that so gonna need to restock up on it.(Proviron) It’s not an absolute must for everyone but for me personally it is. Haven’t had any negative sides using these doses.
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Also wanted to add that between the Caber and the Proviron my sex drive is on point. I go to the gym in the morning and lift, go to work for 10 hours then 5 days a week after work I’m training and busting my ass in the boxing gym for at least 2 hours before I go home, but never too tired for sex. As you may know everything I’m running is @Iron_Junkie_Labs the Cabergoline is from them as well but it’s pharma grade and absolutely works great and goes perfectly imo with their Proviron.
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Awesome shit Bro. You’re their sponsor athlete too right? I’m also running their NPP200, and TNE on certain days. I agree with the proviron and I run 25mged. If I run too high androgenic gear my acne surfaces which I hate and steer away from. Who want that shit at my age mid 40’s. Lol. So I will definitely be adding Caber which I do have and already use aromasin 10mg e4d. Your training sounds serious!!
That’s correct bro I am their sponsored athlete. I couldn’t hope and pray for a better sponsor. @Iron_Junkie_Labs products are 💯% top notch quality but I’m sure if your running their NPP you already know. Yes brother my training schedule is pretty rigorous but I have incredible stamina some of which I have to admit is attributed to IJL gear. Nobody runs the schedule I run with the intensity i run it and throw having a 6 year old with sports activities of his own and don’t get tired without some help and believe me brother IJL is just the help I need and get! 🥊🔥💯💪