SB Labs

The importance of knowing, trusting, and legitimizing your source

Fortunately for Dan, Thailand has great Healthcare that is really inexpensive.

On the subject of infections and abscesses, it is not necessarily bad or dirty gear, right? Injecting 3 CC’s into the same spot Time After Time. Or the guys that just pump oil into certain sites.
Maybe a little speck of rubber from the stopper.
Gotcha. I just watch his YouTube video.
Surgery is expensive but I bet it’s way less expensive in Colombia than in the USA

And probably just as good of healthcare.
I do have empathy for his situation, but that hospital will surely set up a payment plan for him.

This would be an interesting question for William Llewellyn, regarding a likelihood of getting gear with necrosis causing bacteria.
Burrr said:
that hospital will surely set up a payment plan for him.
Hmmm not sure about Columbia but most other countries Ive visited you either have the money to pay or dont get care. Granted its cheaper then in US but last 3 countries were all the same way when dealing with foriegners and healthcare. In one country they made me pay everything in advance. Another threatened to call police if I walked out without paying (just didnt have enough cash on me and all at home). I had to call a friend to bring a translator and bring me money just to avoid going to jail… for being $50 short…
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