The new guy 😆

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Whataya say brother? You in?

I can see you starting a cycle next spring depending on your progress and discipline.

You’re in an enviable position. Fresh slate with many natural gains to be had without the gamble of dangerous chems.
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Welcome bro. First is going to be your diet. Get an app to track your macros. Calories, protein, carbs, and fats. My Fitness Pal is an app by UnderArmor I’ve been using a few years now. Second is your gym routine. I’d recommend getting my diet and routine together for at least 6 months to a year. You’re going to see good growth from there. Then if you’re still eager to cycle. Go with Test only. See how you react. Second cycle add something else and go from there. No need to rush it unless you plan on jumping on stage soon.
Welcome to the UGMuscle.

As stated above. You must eat a lot. Every three hours. I would be eating.

Glad you found the site. And all great advice has been given.
Thanks everyone you guys are awesome and love the advice im getting definitely going to use alot of this info so thank you and I have just one other question when you are on a cycle will milk thistle help with your liver
Welcome to UGM bro. Listen to these guys if you’re going to listen to anyone. I have the opposite problem, I gain weight if I look at a bagel the wrong way. But when I was determined to lose weight I didn’t jump on AAS right away. I changed my diet and became regular at the gym. I can’t remember how long it took me to jump onto the gear but it was certainly over a year. Between high calorie weight gainer shakes and creatine I’m sure you can get your weight up before you get into gear. Also the best advice I’ve heard over and over is that barring a legitimate medical reason(like very low testosterone) wait until after 30 years old to start the gear. That being said I’m looking forward to hearing about your progress no matter which path you take. Good luck, do your homework and stay safe.
For me as well, at least historically. If I eat what I want, I’m 240-250 in about a month! I LOVE to eat, almost as much as other life-sustaining activities! Almost.
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