SB Labs

General overview of myself

Lol I’m getting old and confused. I saw his chat comment about 2 vials of test and figured that’s what he had in addition to it. I’m not gonna talk about my eyesight anymore before poppy jinxes me again.

I just reread all this. At 6-1 and 150lbs… you were a skinny mini. At 210 lbs… that’s not skinny unless you’re carrying fluff around your midsection with skinny arms and legs. If you have visible abs at that weight then you’re not as skinny as you think.

I’m thinking some dedicated training and eating would do you wonders. It’ll be painful at first training your body to ingest a lot of food but you will get used to it.
Yeah i have body dysmorphia so i see myself differently than others. I still see that 150lb guy when i look in the mirror. I know in my mind im not but its hard to not see that when i look in the mirror. And no, no fluff or puff around the midsection but i do need to strengthen and define it.

And yes im plagued with lack of appetite and nausea all the time so its hard to force myself to eat enough to stretch out my stomach enough to be able to consume more calories. Ive lost about 10-15lbs and im staying stuck around 210-215lbs
Are you shutdown… example… do you get boners… is your libido (sex drive) healthy?

You might have shut down your natural hormonal production when you started using steroids at 17.

If that’s the case… we need to discuss other options.
What do you suggest to add? Im just trying shit at this point ive only did test dbol and tren before. But i dont really know what to take anymore because i quit gaining on that. Im just playing the fucking lottery at this point
Honestly i still get hard and shit, but i think thats just the artificial test still running in me. Ive never taken clomid, or i cant think of the other, but i do have a shit ton of Letrozole on hand. But my cycles never went beyond 8 weeks, but i would only rest half the time i was on before i got back on again
Here’s a post i made today with my lab results. I get labs done 4-6 x a year. These don’t have hormones.

My opinion is your general bloodwork concerning renal/kidney function with a blood glucose and lipid panel is more important than hormones.

Your hormone levels will tell you just that… your hormone levels. The other stuff will tell you important things about your body’s function.

Do you have insurance? If so you can usually get a full physical with a complete blood panel once a year.

But you can ask for hormone labs. There’s mail order sites lots of these guys use. I can never remember them.

Poppy’s Blood Labs