The website will be closed for the weekend. Get it in by Friday


Rep Platinum Pharmaceuticals
“We are closing for the weekend!
All inquiries must be in by midnight Friday(tomorrow).”
P.S. I would get your inquiry in by early evening just be safe. The time stamp on the website seems to be different than many clients.
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Sunday evening might be a cheat dinner with my parents. Other than my cheat meal or two it’s all egg whites, extra lean ground Turkey breast, rice, potatoes, veggies, oats, whey protein, and fish oil capsules. 😀
I have mixed nuts occasionally to get some fats in there.
Cheat meals are good, it’s rare, but I’m gonna avoid the ham Sunday and stick with the turkey, which I will dip in hot sauce… my wife and i snack on mixed nuts all the time, we love em.
Ha Ha, I go to bed last week straight at about 201 and wake up, dry weight,and yes I’m naked, after taking a shit, no food no water hop on the scale, and I wake up at around 198, so dam it
I don’t get on the scale unless im posting my weight I actually don’t know my weight probably 230lb maybe less ive been dropping weight so I haven’t gotten on the scale im going for more of a look before I run again
I’m using deca test for about two months, and I haven’t checked since I started but pants and and shirts are tight now, so checked like a week ago and I was happy as fuck, did a weigh in, in front of the wife, and got a shit eating grin
Whattya going to do…too heavy too light…i guess maybe we all need to be a little more carefree…i do for sure