SB Labs

THG (tetrahydrogestrinone)


THG (tetrahydrogestrinone) or the Clear

no data available
Anabolic no data available
Chemical Name
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity very high

Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) is an oral anabolic steroid derived from nandrolone. This agent is a designer steroid, meaning that it was never commercialized, but developed specifically for use by athletes due to the fact that it was once unknown (and therefore unidentifiable) to drug screening. THG is most similar in structure to the European prescription anti-gonadotropic agent gestrinone. Gestrinone is not an active anabolic steroid itself, but does have a close structural relationship to trenbolone. Adding four hydrogen atoms (tetra-hydro) to gestrinone breaks down its 17-alpha ethynyl group (a trait that greatly interferes with binding to the androgen receptor) to an ethyl, creating a steroid capable of strong anabolic and androgenic action. THG is simply 17-alpha-ethylated gestrinone, a novel offshoot of the powerful anabolic steroid trenbolone. The resulting steroid is highly anabolic, moderately androgenic, non-estrogenic, and highly progestational
This is the clear everyone involved with BALCO went to prison they took this crazy serious because they created a new steroid and it was strong and undetectable.

The baseball players loved this stuff I would personally love to try this stuff
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Is too boring ahhaha. They at least made it fun when they turned a blind eye to juicers. If people would get over the record books it could have continued. Have a feeling that the sport will not even be too four come 20 years from now
I believe that the pitchers are actually taking something new because there pitching no hitters over and over there either cheating or taking something to help them throw better but that makes the game incredibly boring a no hitter is big but you sit the whole time to see nothing lol
That’s what’s causing them not to be able to hit?
I can believe that I don’t know much about baseball but when the batters were kicking ass they said it was just DHEA lol so I don’t know will eventually find out but you probably are completely right im not a baseball guy
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No small ball
Now so it’s homerun or struck out. If they make the stitches allow for bigger breaks and the not being wound makes the ball travel shorter distance when hit. So it all just added up. Two years ago was record numbers of hrs now they went to far the other direction. I say just tren em
Up and make it fun again
Probably was when you start to use these non detectable stuff they are usually From a compound that wasn’t pursued for what you said they are super toxic