Think I’m ready for my first ever cycle, and helpful tips?


Well-known member

Well I got most of my gear in the mail today, still have some more on the way. I’m ready to start my first cycle I plan on injections m/t with 250mg of test and 200mg of tren for 10-12 weeks. I plan on taking dbol around 40-50mgs daily for 3-4 weeks, and then I also bought pct for when my cycle is done. I think I got most of it understood Iv learned everything from this forum and finally decided to give it a try even Though I’m terrified of needles lol. With all that out of the way I’d like to thank everyone on this forum for everything Iv learned and all the cool info on here. Thanks guys and tips or tricks that would help me out during the cycle or after I’d love to hear!
Also @Anthonyr do you notice a trend with the multiple answers so far. I did tren deca my first cycle,WAS NOT necessary, but I didn’t know better, and now you do, we’re here to help, not just sound negative like myself.
Yeah I’m also going to say that test only for the first is best.
Less to keep track of and you need to figure out how your body reacts to every compound.
And mixing three different ones. You won’t know which one is doing whatever to you.
Bloodwork before and during (6 weeks in )
And also after.
If you are TRT you won’t need pct but if not make sure you have all gear on hand before starting.
And by no means are we saying you can’t do all three first time. But it is not advised to do so. Just on years of experience and knowledge.
Everyone reacts differently to compounds.
Also like John says you must eat and eat clean. Have diet in check.
And let us know what your thoughts are and ask some questions. We are here cause we don’t want you to make mistakes like some of us had back in the day.
nice stack buddy!! thatll get your nice size and really hard look
tip for you:
preload your syringes
when preloading switch your tip to draw out with a 19 gauge tip.
switch back to 23 or 22 gauge and inject. this makes the preloading process probably SO much faster.
if you are terrified of needles. inject with 25 gauge. yes it will take a lot longer to inject but you rarely bleed and hardly feel it if its in a big muscle like your glute or quad.

good luck my man!!
I use 25 gauge so injection is much slower and less prone to PIP. Tren is a really strong compound. I used it my second cycle and the shit really fucked me
Up. I wanted to kill everyone. I would double
Your test and go 500 per week. 250 twice per week and save the other stuff for your next cycle. Or if after eight weeks in if your blood looks good add it in. But first see how you react to the test. What is your weight bro?
Yeah I ran test and Dbol first cycle and gained 20 lb and I experienced some estrogen issues, it was a good learning experience. I would take these guys suggestions if I were you but your going to do what you want lol. Just be safe and holler at us if you need some suggestions. 👍
I already did tren earlier today as long as dbol and test, it was a few hours ago and I feel fine as of now, will I be fine if I don’t do it again? I’m healthy 21 years old 6’1 170lbs decent build.
I honestly just sent it and threw safety out the window I guess. I thought it would be an okay starter cycle, so far I feel fine if there’s any side effects I’ll keep you guys updated but so far I feel great.
The only problem bud is a couple weeks down the road you start having problems how will you tell what’s giving it you? That’s the concern and that’s why you start with just test