Think I’m ready for my first ever cycle, and helpful tips?

I bought a Amazon recommended brand with Estrogen blocker, liver health | Milk Thistle, DIM, DAA, Stinging Nettle, Longjack 240 Capsules (30 Day Supply). Will this be fine for after the cycle? Is there anything else I should do or buy to help after the cycle?
Dbol is OK. But, I’d wait till you have a couple test only under your belt before going full blown cycle. 😉
Ahhh I found a topic some hgc,clomid, and tamoxifen are good for post cycle. I’ll do more research on how much to order and when to start and how much and I should be good to go. Thanks a lot!
Glad to see
Made the right choice brother. As I was told by these same guys it’s a marathon don’t be in a hurry. Time and diet and exercise and you will reach your goals. If you got your gear from a sponsor here I would ask them their recommendations for pct. you also mentioned HCG. I love the stuff. I use it during cycle cause it keeps the nuts normal function going. Gear will shut down your normal production of testosterone and eventually you may stop shooting loads during sex (which is my favorite part) But HCG will stimulate your brain to keep those boys working!!! What are your goals @Anthonyr
I will definitely get HCG then that’s a necessity lol. And my goals honestly I don’t really know. Iv seen a lot of befores and afters and seeing that is crazy to me, as I said I’m 6’1 170 iv been working out for about 2 years I was addicted to benzos from 16-19 and was only 130lbs. I’d love to get around 215 and have a great physique and be ripped but once again I know the stuff works but iv never done it so it sounds a little crazy but I’m down for the ride.
Yes I went about 2 weeks ago for a cold (thankfully not covid) and they tested everything and we’re going to call if anything was wrong and I never received a call
That’s not the correct bloodwork you needed.
You need to KNOW exactly what your beginning testosterone is and need to know exactly what your estrogen level is. And there are a few other things needed as well cholesterol etc…
Agreed with @Ominous. Gotta know where your starting. Cholesterol test estrogen. Big deals bro. And hell yes to your mama. I love that. And big hell yes to you for being honest about it. I am honest about it and help a lot of people make good decisions based on their desires to try gear. Pros and cons they make the decision.
Just told neuro about me being too honest wo th a chick and ruining a meet up haha. But if the person is looking for serious relationship I feel I should let them know off the bat I’m enhanced so we are wasting each other’s time. Would have liked to hit first though. I got the feeling this was a few dates before sex chick though