Think I’m ready for my first ever cycle, and helpful tips?

Idk. Maybe?? Sometimes gotta let them have time to understand. If everytime you meet a girl your like hey baby I’m a juice monster and I need to know right away if your willing to stick a big needle in my Ass hahahahahaha. Prolly not gonna turn out so great. Lol.
She was asking questions and didn’t want her time wasted and I didn’t want mine wasted. It had been a few days of messaging to set up date
Understood. You did the right thing. Ya I guess looking at you it would be kind of obvious what you are doing lmao. I am open about it. I don’t go around volunteering information. No one has asked me straight up if I am using juice. I don’t look like a juice head either. Not yet lol. @Dirtnasty
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I’m onoo loko y starting to like one hahah. Ok I have body dismorphia and think I look tiny
That’s a big first cycle. I’d just use the test e. You want to know how your body reacts to the test first, especially without Dbol. So when you do add Dbol you’ll know if/when where sides your experiencing. That test e hurts like hell too for 3-4 days wherever you inject it. Hope you got a better batch.
I noticed that about the test too. It’s the only kind Iv tried and I have 2 already and another on the way. I have another one from another sponsor I have not tried yet, so this test is always gonna hurt? It’s my first time injecting anything into my glute and I’m on day 3 and I can somewhat walk without a limp now. I thought it wouldn’t be this bad further on but this will really put breaks on leg day. If I’m gonna be walking around permanently Charlie horsed this whole cycle I will have to try a different sponser.
What kind of test is it? E, C or P? All the sponsors I’ve had on UGM I have zero PIP except for one. When I told him I was getting PIP, he sent me replacements for them. And that fixed that problem. What are the Test levels per ml as well?
Test E. 250mg per ml. As I said it was my first injection ever so I don’t know if it’s just bad this time and next time in my other glute and then it starts getting better. Hopefully I don’t get this every time I’m gonna use the stuff one way or another but I was sitting leaning left for a few days lol.
Yeah it’s been like that for me every time. Every injection of it hurts & is sore for days. I’ve added a different sponsors test e every other injection just so my glut or quad isn’t always sore.
Good to know thank you for letting me know that I’ll defiantly get some other test e from another sponser to throw in the mix every other time!
Couple things here. Some people are more sensitive to compounds than others. For example the difference between Test E and Test C is a single carbon element. I’ve had less pip from E than C. But others have reported the opposite. So depending on your body, could be a factor.

Virgin muscle. This can cause initial PIP, but once it has experienced injections, will become less.

Needle wiggle and stability. This is also a problem with first time injections. Not having a steady hand can lead to internal trauma moving the tip of the needle around inside during an injection can cause damage to the muscle and give you PIP for days…

From my experience, I have used @SRx and found it to be a smooth compound. Pretty much every single compound I have used from sponsors has been smooth as silk. I do have a favorite or two, but have used from several sponsors and found them all to be excellent quality and clean.
I get pip from test E. And less pip from test C.
Basically pip consists of a tenderness of the area about three Inch circle for three days.
But it is not to the point where it makes me a cripple.
I use testosterone C when I can.
I’m on TRT so I inject twice a week.
So not like I have virgin muscles. Starting using gear over 20 years ago.

Try test C and see if it helps. But all sponsors on here are great and it could just be your new to pinning.
No I have not I did the second one and put a heating pad and it feels much better. They are also both virgin muscles hopefully by Thursday It’ll be minimal. Lowered tren a lot and lowered dbol.