SB Labs

This song came up on my mix during my workout

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Missed a chance to meet the group along with meth and red when they did a concert at bogarts in Cincinnati a few years back. I’m friends with a member of 98 degrees, i know, and he knew a few of the guys and the the people at venue to get us backstage, but it took forever after concert for them to let us back and I had to work in the morning so I left. Had a good sack on me for us to blaze and them to roast me on HahahA. Woke up next to pics of friend and wife hanging with them before they left for next city.

there goes my hero
Foo fighters just came on 🤣
Dave Grohl, what a career that guy has had, not many people can say they have been in 2 bands that have been as popular as Nirvana, and then Foo Fighters.
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Yeah I wish that Cobain hadn’t committed suicide he could have made alot of good music along with dave and the others in nirvana.

I also wish that the lead singer of Lincoln park didn’t either he had alot of good music left in him and his band
I agree, I’m still not convinced Kurt did himself in…

Mental illness is no joke, wish there wasn’t the stigma around it, maybe more of these guys would have gotten help from something other than drugs.
Deal with it every day. Not only personally, but with a lot of my brothers. Some days are better than others. Some days are worse. To sit and think the world is better off without you or the pain you live with would end and it’s going to be better that way. I was one of those that thought people who committed suicide were just weak… until you have lost a brother, family member or know of someone who has taken their life, your world gets real fast. I’ve struggled with it. And have sat and wept over it. And have lost over it. But every day is a new day. And no one wants to disappoint their family. But sometimes it crushes you. And it’s hard to get out of the hole. But there’s your brothers. They will always jump down in that hole with you so you’re not alone and together figure out how to get out. Always ask for help. It’s not weakness. It’s actually being a strong motherfucker to ask for help…
I used drugs for over 20yrs to deal with my anxiety and depression and other issues.
I believe that the problem is really with the doctors they don’t treat you like a normal patient once you tell them that you have a mental illness they won’t prescribe you medications that you know work they want you to take anti psychotics which are horrible medications and then the people don’t want to go to the doctor because they don’t like or trust doctors. Im basically talking about me I finally found a doctor that I trusted treated me like a human being and I got clean and on proper medication not the medication that the pharmacy reps want them to push so that they make more money.
Over 20yrs of pain and suffering in and out of every rehab and all it took for me to get clean was just one doctor visit with a doctor that didn’t treat me like I was broken. He treated me like someone who needed help.
TBU said:
Always ask for help. It’s not weakness. It’s actually being a strong motherfucker to ask for help…
That’s the truth that’s why its hard to ask for help its because it takes alot of strength to admit your shortcomings
That is good. I recently ran across a song from one of my favorite bands back in the day. This fits well with this time as well.

Can’t post links but look up Matchbox 20 - ‘How far we’ve come’ on YouTube
I’ve struggled with mental illness my entire life, used opiates, alcohol to numb it. I used to not eat and would pass out at school, somethings in your childhood don’t go away so easily, been misdiagnosed by a lot of mental health providers, I’ve lost days, and years from my memory, I know the struggle all to well.
Systems broken, people shouldn’t have to struggle to get help.

Wish it was a lot easier to get help, when I first went and sought treatment for opiates, I was actually turned away more times than I can count, because beds were full, they didn’t take insurance, so on and so forth.
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Come to think of it, it’s what got me interested in weights, never wanted to feel like I couldn’t protect myself ever again, so least that came out of it. Strange how a barbell can shape your life.
This is very personal but have found that the pain I continue to deal with has had a positive effect on others (either to help a loved one or if it’s demons you are dealing with). I lost my father about a year ago due to mental illness he was battling for years. I still have horrible dreams imagining my mother’s face when she found him in their barn, hung. We never realized how bad it was until then. However, when my mother called me early evening on a Friday I knew immediately something was terribly wrong. A few hours later I got the official news and was devastated. He was an amazing father and role model that I only wish I can live up to with my own kids. I do find comfort knowing he is at peace now and no longer suffering. Mental illness is no joke…if you know someone at risk for suicide do not hesitate to intervene and do everything you can to get him/her help.
Thanks Sig. 👍 I’m at peace with it now, though I do have days I struggle. However, I have found that I can help others in similar situations since I can completely relate to others dealing with similar issues. Not sure if I can receive PMs since new, but when I am I’m happy to chat privately with others that need help, though I’m certainly no psychologist. Really like this community and the wide range of discussion topics that go beyond just focusing on getting in the best shape you can, but also improving your life.
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