SB Labs

This song came up on my mix during my workout

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We actually don’t have pm between members at ugmuscle.

Im really sorry that you had to go through that and im sorry that your father had demons to fight his whole life you have my condolences. I have been in that position before its hard because you actually want to stop what’s going on with yourself but you know that you will leave behind alot of pain. The suicide rate is actually extremely high they just don’t talk about it much. You will hear about the veterans and how many commit suicide everyday I believe that the number is around 40 and then on top of that you have others that commit suicide because the pain is to much I use the word pain for lack of a better term.
Im extremely lucky to now have problems once in a blue moon because of a medication accident or a change in my routine. I will be honest this whole quarantine has really messed me up so I know that there are many others out there hurting badly especially with the stress of bills and work on every ones shoulders. I know people that still haven’t received an unemployment check.
I would like to say that this is always a safe place to talk no one here knows who you are and as long as its within the rules we can talk about anything in the anything goes category. Anyone ever needs to vent can always do it calmly and there are plenty of people here who can relate to everything that can be going on in your life.
I don’t know what to think about that @TBU I know more marines that checked out after Iraq, then dudes that died in country. I think it is fucking weak, and obviously selfish, and at the same exact time,it is a answer to a problem,people make choices I don’t like all the time,cause it’s there right, so who am I right.
All I can say about it, suicide or depression, when you circle the drain it all feels so real, but if your fortunate enough to get help you look back real soon and think wtf was that shit
Almost pulled it off myself jan.2009. Bad reaction to Chantix. Had the gun, dad got it. Spent 12 days in the ward. Didn’t even know my family. 3yrs before I could go into Walmart by myself. Lasting effects, agoraphobia, anxiety, psd. I still smoke
Glad he got ahold of you when he did. I’ve attempted before, obviously never worked/or went through with it. Still a lot of shame for the years I was high on oxys, it’s tough to look the people you love in the eye after you realize the shit you put em through, thank God for my wife, that’s all I can say.

Well my second wife, the first one can eat dick lol.
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It’s what you feel. I was that way for a long time. But things change. And sometimes being close to it makes you change. That’s all I’m saying. Never judging. Just telling what I deal with.
I know your not judging buddy, I feel two ways about it, confusing.
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