SB Labs

Thoughts and Conversations


Military Vet
Ok guys…let’s watch this and think about her comments for a few minutes. Is she right? Is she wrong? Let’s get some feedback and respect each others opinions. I don’t want Big Murph to have to take this down so let’s discuss like grown men.

Chavin is a POS. BUT I am tired of being drilled on social media that I am a evil person because of who I belong to in the color tree. I am doing well for myself, but I worked hard to get here. I was poor dirt farmer in Iowa. I didn’t have parents who pay for school or an ability to get into college due to my ethnicity. I’m tired of outrage. I want them to pull all national guard, police or any type of security and let it become the next Detroit. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look up what happened in Detroit starting about 1968… This country was built on work hard and get rewarded. Now its how can I make a dime of the government or others around me. And if you are doing well, you owe me. The whole thing is shit. I’ll always be a proud American. They can all suck my ass. Rant over
I really feel this famous quote is capturing a lot of what is going on and it makes sense. Particularly, now the primary young adult generation have never seen really rough times. It seems in a way some people are creating artificial outrage over everything…oh and of course everyone is racist if you don’t agree with virtually everything from a leftist point of view. I consider myself more of a centralist that leans more conservative. I do not simply identify solely based on a specific political party to make my decisions on what I value and the policies I agree with.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
  • G. Michael Hopf
Regarding the GF situation, it really baffles me as when all this first happened virtually everyone agreed and was appalled by this (and still do), but yet the media successfully was able to make this primarily a racist anti-cop issue. Not going into statistics, but it is well documented that deaths caused by police and African Americans is not due to systematic racism, but rather extremely rare. Unfortunately, the media always runs with stories that fit their narrative. One clear proof this was not correct was the full video and also that race was never brought up during the trial. The main issue I was interested in was the amount of drugs in his system and whether that could have contributed to the cause of death. After a doctor took a stand and essentially dismissed the drug impact, that IMO was the pivotal point that resulted him being convicted on all 3 murder/manslaughter charges.

God help us all if this overall narrative continues…we are destroying our country through division. This is definitely not the America I grew up in…
I’m not watching the video. I’m a grown man that needs not a single soul to tell me how to think.

The universe worked… a bad cop killed a useless human and now he’s paying for it. It’s a win win kind of like the shootout in the ending of the movie reservoir dogs… everyone kills each other.
Floyd was no doubt a piece of human excrement but he did not deserve to be murdered. But like @Poppy said the POS cop killed another POS and is going to jail for it. Case closed. I agree with @TBU said I to am tired of all this BS. Every single person of color that gets shot now is an innocent victim. Please! This latest one with the young black girl bieng shot while she is attempting to stab another person is crazy. You were in the process of applying lethal force to another person and you got meet with lethal force. Case closed. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You k ow a good way to not get shot? Don’t try and stab someone. This is so out of control
Well said brother. I was in Detroit in the 80s as a kid. My grandpa was a fire fighter there. I remember the good people would burn down the abandon houses so they wouldn’t sell crack out of them on their block. There were times my grandpa and his crew would have to go to the next block over to find a fire hydrant that would work cause the city couldn’t afford to maintain them.