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My wife just came in yelling at me

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A few days ago she asked me to download her a series to watch she heard about. When I went to torrent it, it showed as a UK drama series. So I was like ok. Then in trending torrents was another UK drama/romance show as the top one for the week. And showed many different copies of people sharing it so I thought ok must be good. I’ll download that for her to watch also.

A few minutes she comes in about “whats this gay shit you gave me to watch” and for the first few minutes its just two dudes having sex with each other. I busted out laughing. She says she doesnt trust me on movies anymore lol.

copying over the seasons for American Gods now but warned her lol.
The look on her face bro I couldnt help but bust out laughing. Then she shows me her laptop and two dudes going at it still lol.
Wifey and I like the brit mini series… crime drama/mystery.
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She usually watches those shows but I dont watch them. I cant get over the accents in most of them lol. She likes to watch shows while shes working on things in her work room and I’ll usually do things at the table watching horror shows or things I can watch my daughter is up. Only during holidays do we ever watch the same thing together lol.
Just looked at it. I’ve seen it advertised on starz. We’ve wayched all the power series as well as the spin offs so far.
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Yeah I like those alot. I havent seen all of them but started on Force 4 or something. When he gets to Chicago. Its hard to find all the torrents together for the series how they list them.
I believe we’re all caught up now. Waiting on tommy in chcago and raising kanan (sp) new episodes.

They kinda left ghosts son hanging in his series. It was turning out real good too.
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I told wifey that watching those makes me feel like we’re the only two NOT dealing drugs.
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TG said:
whats this gay shit you gave me to watch”
Just had the same issue watching an episode of The Witcher at 3am with the woman. Two dudes started making out and she’s like " oh what the fuck. That’s enough Witcher for one night. It’s bedtime." … I talk a lot of shit so I had to add to it … " ya baby let’s go to bed watching them dudes making out got me horny as fuck."

Love that Witcher…
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