So every now and the. Very rarely I get these little depressed episodes. Idk why it just kinda happens. Well after a year or so I finally had one this week. And lemme tell ya. It sucked ass man. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. And for the first time since I started lifting. I missed this entire week. Ate like shit cause I couldn’t stomach regular food it made me nausea just thinking about it. Idk why pissed away the last 6 weeks of cutting weight In an entire week man… really sucks. I feel back to normal tho. I talked to my doctor about it and he is giving me Prozac. I’ve had anxiety and these little depressed episodes for a couple years. The depressed episode are very rarely. Im a pretty happy go getter type of person. But they always refused to give me meds til now for some reason. What’s your guys thoughts on Prozac?? I’ve never been on any type of meds before