I could go into this much further, MAOi monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclics were on the right track but the safety profile got in the way, seleginine works on a different MAOI type B so it can be given w/o the dietary restrictions…If you’ve felt or witnessed Major Unipolar depression that is treatment resistant, well SSRIs will not touch that. These other Meds bind to the inhibitory proteins etc. so there is an increase in Dopamine, NOR-epi, and even serotonin but the Dopamine is the key…especially in a certain part of the brain. Bupropion is more effect at this than Modanifil. It is super complicated and really Prami is a full Dopamine Agonist…caber is not. But prami will make you sick before euphoric…Now we are using Ketamine, Propafol(not in practice, abuse) MDMA…most of the dopamine has to end up in the part of the brain That is the reward system. NA. Oh shit there I go again.Trying to stay layman but I cant even understand what I wrote…I guess the bottom line is Dopamine… In addition, animal studies show that anabolic steroids increase serotonin levels in brain regions involved in mood and dopamine levels in reward-related brain regions . Above all, CBT, Group therapy, Journaling, TRAINING!!!, EATING CORRECTLY!!! add nauseum, are essential for someone with Most mental Illnesses. Making your bed, Taking a shower…having a schedule. SItuational Depressive states are no joke either, like divorce , death of loved one. Oh by the way The catabolic steroids, cortisol, etc. do the opposite. I’m tired…exercise, work, check-in in here, have no time to be depressed or bleed. (JK)