To anybody/ new guys

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I don’t leave home with out it in fact it will be part of whatever the first order I make next year
Trobchbb said:
Ok question I’m on my third week of cycle and got an infection not from pinning but have to start antibiotic should I wait on taking ai until I finish the antibiotic
Hey brother @John. Think this one got missed. Unless I missed something.
Your running the antibiotic for a week? What would be the concern with taking an AI with your antibiotic? I could see if there were drug interactions or if your unsure, if anything I’d error on the side of caution and not take it for a week just to be safe if that’s how long your are going be taking antibiotics. The safest thing to do however is ask your doctor. You could even call and ask a pharmacist anonymously, like walgreens ect. Ask them if there is any reason to be concerned. That’s what I would do.
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What’s the concern here? I actually suggest doing what @Dmomuchole said. Call a pharmacy. The only thing I would think of off the top of my head is competitive enzyme action, but even then women who have breast cancer take antibiotics all the dang time.

Play it safe and call a pharmacist.
Thanks buddy, but I really f do I love me some superdrol it does my body good
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