Today's edition of diets and lifting

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Breakfast was 6in cheesesteak,cheese n lots of pepper,R1 shake,two yogurts,water,coffee. Helpin my dad move shit,run to the dump. We’re gonna hunt later get in our stands around 2. I’m not lifting shit today and I’m ok with that.Not sure what lunch will be,I need to make it a calorie rich meal,bodies burn a lot when it’s trying to keep itself warm.leftover parm most likely.Hope everyone has a great day/week.
More pork and rice today that are out of chicken breast at grocery and I’m not driving to another with time issues. Cereal and some pizza pre bed. did chest
It’s been 23 here most of the morning. Six fried eggs. Country ham biscuit. Chocolate milk. Pasta for lunch. Half pound of ground turkey mixed with a half pound of ground beef. Legs are on the agenda for later. I’ll be eating and napping more before heading that way.
Ok i get it,it’s cold,also most people that say its cold work inside and have Indoor hobbies,not me ,I tell myself,don’t be a pussy John,so I will freeze my ass off with the mere hope of killing something that and if I kill something my hands will warm up while I’m inside their chest cavity slicing and pulling their innards out.
Hit arms. Had 5 chicken and tortilla wraps so far today and some peanut butter. Been hiding in the tool trailer trying to stay warm. It’s 20 degrees here but feels like 10 😩😩
It’s chilly here,time to kill,my dad asked me if I’m still playing his game of 8pts or better,I just smiled at him. My freezer is lonely.
Trained legs today. Oatmeal and eggs whites again for breakfast. Made some “crack chicken” for lunch.
Spent many a morning in a stand at 30. Hiked to a frozen Alpine lake last week at 16°. I still don’t have to appreciate it being 22° outside when I’m trying to get my dog to shit!
Full body training. Fruit, nut butters and lean protein. I’m counting the days until Friday when I eat all my daughters snacks that she hasn’t hid from me jk.
Didn’t mean to come off as a dick about the cold,I just think I’m a tough guy when it comes to the elements.
I’m glad I got in fenced backyard,let both out and they wear themselves out
It’s funny though cause it’s 30 today no wind value but I can tell my toes are gonna cold,and I’m in a spot where I’ve never sat before so I’m paranoid their gonna catch me moving
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