Today's installment of diets and training

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Staff member
First things first,last cycle I ended in June,and have been putting it off trying to get my meds straight and myself straight since then,well I’m fuckin tired a waiting,so my cycle begins Feb.1st.
Breakfast was 5 eggs scrambled with ketchup n hot sauce,3 toast plain,banana n strawberries,water n coffee.just had a protein shake n a can a tuna.lunch will be around 1,which will be two turkey sandwiches,Lett tomato,lite as in real fuckin lite mayo,protein shake with two raw eggs.gonna do legs today.hope everyone makes the most of their day today.
One more thing, I’m goin into this a bit slower then normal,I’m doin 250 test c split into two pins m-thur
NPP 225 a week split 3x a week,proviron 50mg per day,for around 6 weeks,then assuming I’m doin ok mentally, I will finish the cycle at 500 test,450npp,75 proviron.Adex on hand doubt I’ll need it,also CIALIS and TNE.This is all @GearChurch compounds.
I got our last bball practice tonight,so a little bit a sushi before, and the rest after,two orders Philly roll

Last year he was 119, as of today he’s 138, he gets two cups a dry and a QUARTER of a can a wet food,I feel bad.
That good winter bulk. I added 10 pounds this week of course I think it’s all water I feel like I’m bloated
Just finished training back and chest. About to have my 3rd protein shake of the day, no food meals yet. Friday is cheat meal evening. I always struggle with the guilt of going through with it or not. I never crave cheat food but my mind gets kind of funked up after a week of mostly protein shakes.
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