Too much lactic acid buildup or something else?

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Recently within these last couple of weeks I have been experiencing too much of a pump if that is a thing. The weird thing is is that it is only on back/bicep day. When I complete my back exercises and move onto biceps I have to cut the workout short and not complete the bicep exercises. It will usually start after about 2 sets of dumbbell curls and then my forearms and biceps are so stiff it feels like if it push it any harder they will pull or rip. Is this normal? I have never experienced this before.
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I get bicep pumps from bench hahaha. I do have. Really controlled decent though. That’s just nitrogen in the muscles
Bro, I’m on week 6 of just test and I’ve been fucking my girl so much its ridiculous, shooting nothing but blanks. I’m getting stronger and upping the weight each time at the gym, just no visible gains as of yet
Correct me if I’m wrong but won’t high estrogen also cause pumps to hurt beyond what you’ve ever thought possible? Like I said, Im not spout facts and if I’m wrong I want to know what’s right.

But I’ll be honest, creatine, high(er) estrogen, and a dab of cialis made my skin feel like it was going to explode by rep 8 of set 1… I like pain but… man, it was a lot… thankfully it translated to my dick at night too 😝
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