Training Splits for old men

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Not asking for specific training plans- folks make a living doing a great job of training.

Questions are about breakdowns. Recovery time beteeen ME efforts? 72 hours before body parts?

Full body training daily? Split upper/lower/aerobic.

What are your thoughts on days/ body parts/ training macro and micro……

I think it depends on your goals. Schedule also. How many days and what days you can train. I’ve varied my workouts thru the years and think most people do. I really like mountaindog or DC. If you’re on cycle you can train more often. Off then less.
As an example mountaindogs 2 a day program is great if on gear and a lot of time available to train. You can’t do that if not on cycle tho. If you have less days available to train then DC is better. A modified DC if not on cycle also works. Plenty of recovery time. On average any mountain dog program is good. If beginner or have taken a long time off then starting with basics like his baby groot program is fine.
For pling… I responded best to westside conjugate. The dynamic effort was the game changer for me.

The old man in me now likes a ppl with no set days of the week. Train 2 days in a row if I’m feeling dangerous…. Take an extra day break if I’m beat up a bit. I try and get a rotation in every 6 days. If not… who cares. You’ll have to check my log for set/rep count. I could give a jack rip about getting in enough reps to be optimal. I just try and do what feels right for that day.

I have my own garage gym with things I’ve been collecting since the mid 80’s so I don’t have to deal with the foolishness of public gyms. I usually am in and out of my gym in less than 40 minutes.

Ive been in gym economy mode for about 10 years now. Of course I’m pretty washed up.
Apologies for not asking a better question…

Stats- 5’7” in heels. About 190#. Haven’t loooed at Bisy Fat % but I’m mid range. Not fat but I’m but I’m not walking on a state.

Goals- strength/ size second.

How long before max efforts do you you guys plan? If I squatted heavy on Monday does Friday allow for enough recover?

Is an Upper and a Lower ME I no the same week reasonable.

Following. 5/3/1 I feel like I’m not doing enough. I have a history of 5-6 days of hard training and 3 days of lifting seeems like I’m cheating. Is my thinking all fucked?

I need the gym like I needed booze and ass.
For me it was

Day 1 max effort lower rotate main movements every 3-4 weeks

Day 2 dynamic effort upper rotate bands and chains every 3-4 weeks

Day 3 off

Day 4 dynamic effort lower rotate bands and chains every 3-4 weeks

Day 5 max effort upper rotate main movement every 3-4 weeks.

Day 6-7 off or some sort of conditioning

This made me my strongest in my mid 40’s. It was kind of grueling and I would deload with high rep weeks every so often maybe every 7-9 weeks.

The bands took a high toll on my joints and I would only use them for 3 weeks in a row with 6 weeks off… using chains.

The dynamic effort used accommodating resistance with light bar weight and chains or bands to overload the top end of the lift. Extreme speed was the goal. It trains your cns to get ahead of the weight… keep it moving fast through the increasing band or chain weight at the bottom of the lift.

The max effort every week was 3 week waves of a particular movement. Building up to a gym pr in week 3 of the front squat then moving on to another movement for another 3 week block. Just pick a movement that will carry over to the main lift.

There’s been hundreds of articles written on this. I think I’ve read all of them haha. I just tailored it to myself using the basic template.

Like I stated before. For me the dynamic effort using submax weights and accomondating resistance was the game changer. Lots of folks did not like it. It’s something that took every bit of 6 months to get me better.
I really like matt wenning. He was one of the top tier pling guys on the planet and is interesting to listen to talk. I’ve watched/listened to a lot of his content. 30 bucks a month for his services. Not terribly expensive.

WillyCorbet said:
5/3/1 I feel like I’m not doing enough
That was a very common complaint at the very beginning.

Although I’ve read lots of wendlers stuff and like most all of it. Imo 5/3/1 is kind of geared for the very beginners or guys on the other end of the spectrum (washed up and can’t train much).

I don’t disagree with you at all. You’re still kicking it hard. I’m of the opinion that 531 is probably not for you.
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