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Training with electronics / smart devices for us old guys

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Lately I’ve been needing to track my heart rate more so I got a Garmin forerunner on advice of a guy I know that does triathlons. He told me it’s the most accurate of any of the brands he’s tried.

It’s not a touch screen. Old fashion press buttons on the side to navigate. Has a connected app to it if you want to change or move apps around.

But I gotta say training with this is amazing. For strength workout you just start and stop on your sets with a single button. It measures your hr during the time of your set. Reps etc. Calculates calories burned at rest and at activity. I’ve noticed I rest shorter going by the rate my hr drops after the set so don’t waste extra time.

But the really cool thing is in the app it figures out what exercises you did. This was my quick morning get in and get out while doing primary cardio after.





I’m sure there’s more features I just don’t know how to do yet, but it’s pretty cool to keep it charted and keep track during different workouts and what response you see from caffeine, pre workouts etc.
I wish I had it sooner. Keeps me way more informed thru the day and during the workout. Also which cardio machines don’t do shit for me and just a waste of time lol.
TG said:
I’ve noticed I rest shorter going by the rate my hr drops after the set so don’t waste extra time.
Golden not piddling around in gym
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It’s that reminder as you watch it fall and see the rest minutes start. I didn’t really think much about setting it for the workout. There’s no app for what exercises I’m doing I downloaded for it yet. But it just figures it all out on it’s own which I thought was amazing. It knows when doing laterals, bench, etc. Estimating the intensity. Just not knowing the weight I’m using.

Anything on the cardio for me is useless unless doing intervals ive noticed. That’s what’s pushing my hr up. Again tho I can measure when it drops to a set point to go again. Saving time in the gym and not wasting cardio time.
For us as we’re getting older and taking meds to keep things in check I think it’s worth the expense. It also has an emergency contact that if hr falls it can text someone where you are and what happened.
My wife liked that idea since my chest pains before and I workout at hours when no one is at the gym usually. Only 1 person maybe 2 max. If I did have a heart attack there I wouldn’t be found for hours.
I have rocked the Garmin watches since back in the day up until about 2 years ago. Still have one and just let go of the watch for awhile, cause I was psycho about it and when it said move, stand, walk, your HR, etc. It was fairly accurate at gym and obviously when jogging or doing outside activities.

Wife and I just broke down and bought Apple Watches, but they are basically the same as our old touch screen Garmin’s with a few more bells and whistles.
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