Tren A or E cycle recommendation


Well-known member
As soon as I get my freakin’ shoulder is better I want to get back into the gym. I want to run a tren a or e cycle. I’m thinking A because, if it’s messing with me too much, it’ll be out quick. E takes a week (or longer) to clear out.

I’ve been on TRT, 250mg test e per week, for about 1.5 years (I’m in my 50’s). I’ve done 2 EQ cycles and I was pretty happy with the results but now I want to bump it up a notch.

Since I’m still a bit off from actually starting, I’m learning from those with more experience. I’ve also listened to Dylan Gemelli and he seems to be legit.

I’m all ears. TIA!

ETA: any information/recommendations/advice is for entertainment purposes only and will not be considered medical advice.
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What else are you planning to run? And what are you expecting sides wise? Most of the sides you hear about trenA (especially here) is total BS. Take @Ironside as an example he thought the sides were bad till he tried it for himself and he’s getting great results. Both are great to run in my opinion. If I’m cutting I like to run A because it’s faster Ester E I like to run for clean bulk.
He’s right man. I tried running Tren a few times in the past just expecting side after side and experiencing side after side likely as a placebo to everything I was ever told. After talking with some veterans that run Tren all the time and them saying they don’t have many sides, i had to start questioning the validity of the sides i was experiencing. After really just trashing everything I thought I knew, I decided to run Tren again and I’m in a 7 week run so far with almost nil for sides. Some sweating and one incident with a printer that got what it deserved has been it for sides. I’m currently running 350mg Tren Ace a week and loving it.
PHD said:
What else are you planning to run? And what are you expecting sides wise?
I’m open to all experience advice. I don’t mind pinning myself EO day so that’s not an issue. Worried about the cough, night sweats, and anger. This past winter I got tossed from a bar because a stupid motherf*cker couldn’t shut up and eventually touched me (I was on EQ/test).

So honestly, just Tren A and Test E or C.
I don’t really PCT per-say. I might come off of everything for 6 or 8 weeks or so and I don’t typically use anything beside Nolvadex and Aromasin for those 6 or 8 weeks. Otherwise I just drop my test down to about 180 - 200mg for those 6 to 8 weeks then I go back into another cycle.

As far as what I’m doing right now, I’m on a 22 to 24 week cycle of Test and Primo. I ran Tren Hex for about 6 weeks then switched to Tren Ace and added Mast E in. Test has been high dose at 800mg, Primo at 700mg, Hex was 200mg then when I switched to Ace I took it to 350mg and I also added 400mg Mast E. I’m about 12 weeks in now and at week 14 I’ll be switching to all short esters except for the Primo for the remaining weeks.
Honestly bro I always say this about gear and don’t take this the wrong way. If your an ass off them your just a bigger ass on them. Basically it comes to self control the steroids didn’t make you do that did they make a little bit more edgy maybe but alcohol is way worse and does alter your behavior.

Night sweats are hit and miss. Sometimes I get them sometimes I don’t. Tren cough is also hot or miss if you nick a vein yup ur going to cough ur lungs out for a few minutes but damn that’s nothing. So those I don’t consider bad side effects.

Please don’t take me saying that as saying your an ass or anything I just say that in general.
I know this doesn’t fit the " magic science" but I learned a long time ago is there is none. There are so many variables involved and really anyone can just give their personal experience. For instance, I have never felt any sign or symptom of the slightest gyno. I never heard of doing an oral pre workout…until the last few years, i got plenty big, strong and lean by taking suspension EOD, injectable winny works great for me, etc. I remember when everyone got results on 2 parabolan per week, 152 mg. …of course other shit along with it.
It’s getting to that time of year! You thinking lightheavy again for the main show? Heavyweight to qualify or is it still a 2 year qualification? Masters North Americans? IMO, the top competitors are late 30s, in to the 40s in Open bbing anyway, so your not selling yourself short, so to speak. UGM usually has a PHD update by now💪
PHD said:
Honestly bro I always say this about gear and don’t take this the wrong way. If your an ass off them your just a bigger ass on them.
I completely agree and, I didn’t take it the wrong way. The guy at the bar was drunk, talking about how big his penis is (prolly small dick and has insecurity) in front of my woman and another couple we were with. Bro just wouldn’t shut up, started drinking my friends drink, then he started in on me and my size. No, I’m not huge but do have some size that’s noticeable. I didn’t have a drop to drink that night since I was driving. Under the circumstances, I think almost all of us would have told that bro to eff off. 😃

I got a buddy on a tren e cycle and the only issue he had was the cough. He said he pins really slow and it seems to help.
@rnmuscle I’m still qualified from qualifier last year. It’s only good for 1 year now and top 5 at pro qualifier is good for 1 year also. I
Doing NA looks like light heavies still but should be at top. I’m 219 now 15 weeks out. If I don’t win my class at NA I’ll do nationals again
Im sorry brother this might be a dumb question but I have to ask.
When you say that you are still qualified for a year that means that you are qualified for a pro card or qualified just to compete?
I don’t know much so I figured I could learn something about how the contest works.
Flexgod said:
Id say Tren Ace, easiest to escape if severe sides occur.
Yup that’s my thoughts. I don’t mind pinning EOD it’s just a PITA but better than having the long ester if I decide to bail. Thanks.