Tren only cycle?

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I’m wondering what would happen if one tan tren only of either ester. To my understanding it would shut you down and test is used as a base for aromatization and keeping everything functioning and optimal and other androgens add there own benefits but could something like tren be tan solo like deca? Would it still provide results and would side effects just be noticeable? If anyone has tried or know someone who has tried let me know. Just curious! Not planning on doing such a thing!
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Negative. Where will your estrogen come from? Abort mission. Remember estrogen is our protector from stroke, blood clot, heart attack, aides renal function too.

This is a very bad plan. So is deca only.
No I don’t plan on doing either but was just wondering because I’ve heard of some doing it. If you read the post again you’ll see I mentioned the connection of test and estrogen which is important but I also know people can run just fine on it and wondered what would happen
I totally skimmed that at first. Apologies apologies.

Well if we think through the physiology- without the increased estrogen load from test, combined with the Neuro toxicity of all AAS, but potentially increased with Tren because of the insomnia we can say it would be neurologically detrimental. Increased androgen load on the kidneys with out estrogen- also detrimental. I would IMAGINE your joints would feel like total shite and gyno would be a significant problem as your ramping up prolactin and progesterone with a 19-nor without the increase of estrogen thus creating a horrible imbalance in the breast tissue cascade of hormones.
I know of a guy who ran Tren E only. @Jamie who kind of got me into this lifestyle I’m pretty sure ran Tren only before. Not sure how long but it never shut him down. He ran 1,200mg of Test and 900mg of Deca without PCT before he ever shutdown but still came back naturally.
I don’t believe I would try it either. He never had any issues until about the end of the Sustanon and Deca cycle. I still can’t believe he naturally came back after 20 weeks of Deca that high. But he always claimed of having huge balls.
I ran tren acetate by itself for 2 years straight. Looked insanely good! Sex drive up and dick worked great! No gyno! No joint pain! I was much younger. The toxicity would kill me now.
Tren is very toxic so don’t copy what I did. I’ve done a whole host of crazy things in my life.
The reason I did this is because I went through a phase where I morally didn’t want to do illegal drugs so I legally bought finaplix cattle implants and converted them to tren ace.
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Late here…

Yes I’ve ran Tren basically by itself, as I use it with Anavar.

I also only run it for 8 weeks at very small dosages at 1/2 CC per, therefore 50 mgs per pin.

So 100 mg per week, not a lot…

This dosage and pinning twice per week has me looking super dry and extremely ripped. I have a very 3-D look if that even makes sense.

I start off with Anavar for about 3 weeks then from there I go into the Trenobolone Acetate.

Also if I run for 8 weeks I don’t deal with Tren-Dick or Tren-Rage… anything more than 8 weeks at high dosages you risk your dick not working.

I’ve never dealt with Gyno of any sort, and I always PCT properly once I’m off.

Lastly, I only run it 2-3 times per year.

Side Effects: Just sweating a ton, that’s pretty much it, no insomnia, no rage, no dick not working.

At my last show Jr. Nationals in Tennessee, I went extreme mode as far as dieting and two a days. I noticed my joints felt really dry but that’s about it.

Ya’ll be safe using these compounds, I appreciate you all.

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