SB Labs


two of my faves right there Dbol and Tbol. Have tried both and they are both very different. Dbol 30mg/day literally gives you a sense of well being, I am a fricking animal in the gym that wont stop, the pumps are crazy but the draw back was you swell up and look like you added 10 pounds of muscle…then stop the dbol and its gone…sad face The other drawback I had was I have a bad lower back and have had back pumps from Dbol that about crippled me…so I just do Tbol now. Tbol I run about 40-50mg/day for 8 weeks, the pumps and sense of well being and unstoppable drive is less than Dbol but still noticeable. But when I do Tbol instead of Dbols puffy raging pumps I get rock fucking hard vascular pumps. I also have never gotten muscle cramps from Tbol like I have from Dbol. And the best part is when I stop taking it…I look exactly the same 🙂

So Dbol- Bigger sense of well being, cell saturation and higher water retention (higher estrogen) making you appear bigger than you are, swollen pumps, more aggression and rage at gym - possible muscle cramps or back pumps, then you lose it and feel like you lost 10 pounds of muscle 😦

Tbol- Not as harsh, slight sense of well being, no aggression like Dbol, no water retention or elevated E2,
rock hard vascular pumps, steady gains. Never had muscle cramps or “pumps” from Tbol. Don’t lose gains when done.

In the end both honestly come really close in gains, I would say Dbol gave more (maybe just in part cuz I was an unstoppable lifting animal while taking it). Dbol pump is awesome, being swole is awesome…losing some of it sucks. Tbol the steady gains are sweet
I only get that sense of well-being off dbol if I inject it and it kills my appetite
When I was studying in university, then I had materials about why the body reacts differently when consuming a tablet and the same component behaves different after giving the injection. Just after consuming the tablet, our digestive system activates completely other absorption fractions but completely other absorption fractions during the administration of the injection. During injection, our body receives a signal to metabolize the chemical depending on which molecules activate the receptors of our appetite. After the injection, the digestive system reacts with some substances from the outside with a signal that chemical absorption is absorbed and neurological blockages occur. If we use pills then the digestive system responds in a natural way and does not interfere with consuming meals. Therefore, Dbol should be used in oral to avoid unpleasant consequences of blocking appetite.
In my personal opinion, giving injections of a substance that contains 17aa in the decay causes that it can be easily crossed a certain line of one-time absorption that means there may be slight edema of the liver which can cause a complete appetite stoppage and indigestion and nausea. Remember that we cannot compare mg in an injection to mg in a tablet in a ratio of 1: 1 because these are different routes of absorption, but this is another history of university science. 🙂
everything is depend of reaction from your body, most of guys lost appetite when they used oral oxymetholone but metandienone is very personal bro, this is the way for check how some steroid affect our body 🙂 we all different