SB Labs

Tutanota and UGM mail

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Im not sure if its something in your account but I looked and you should be getting emails if no one is getting emails that’s very bad
I believe that’s exactly what he said because I was going to switch to my tunata email but did not
I didn’t see anything that would make it so he wouldn’t get emails in his account.
If emails aren’t going out then we need to figure out why but I don’t believe its ugmuscle side
I believe tbu said folks were complaining about email notifications. Rather than turn them off the complained to tut and they cut ugm off.
I do remember that people weren’t unsubscribing and they were saying that we were spam but I don’t know if they cut us off, possibly?
Used to get notifications and what not if tagged in post I may have turned it off
I believe that the whole thing is that we need to turn on notifications in your account I believe that notifications were turned off because of the spam reports that were happening im working on figuring this out
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