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Two Major Benefits of Running Just 10 Minutes per Day, New Research Says


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According to new studies, even 10 minutes of running has considerable benefits.

Everyone has their own method for overcoming mental tiredness in the middle of the day. Some people claim they couldn’t get through the week without coffee or caffeine, while others prefer a sugar surge to help them over the afternoon slump. However, according to new research published in Scientific Reports by Tsukuba University, exercising your body is the best method to give your brain a big boost (in more ways than one).

When you’re feeling sluggish, exercise is probably the last thing on your mind. But take solace in the idea that you were born to flee. According to one set of significant fossil evidence, humans began sprinting around two million years ago. Furthermore, humanity most likely developed from apes because we needed to cross wider distances faster in order to survive. So, even if you don’t feel like running, know that you can accomplish it.

So, what does a brief run have to do with your brain? Actually, quite a bit. Continue reading to discover about the numerous advantages that a quick jogging exercise can provide!

Just 10 minutes of running a day

You don’t have to run a marathon or even a 5K to reap the benefits of exercise for your brain. The authors of the study claim that 10 minutes of moderate-intensity jogging is all it takes to improve blood flow to the brain’s contralateral prefrontal cortex region. And it just so happens that that brain area controls both mood and executive function.

Executive function is a catch-all word that encompasses mental flexibility, self-control, planning, and working memory. It goes without saying that the bilateral prefrontal cortex is crucial.

“Given the extent of executive control required in coordinating balance, movement, and propulsion during running, it is logical that there would be increased neuronal activation in the prefrontal cortex and that other functions in this region would benefit from this increase in brain resources,” explains study co-author Professor Hideaki Soya.

Expect increased cognition and a better mood.

Even better, the research suggests that a 10-minute jog can help the brain in two ways. Participants in the study not only felt better after doing some cardio, but also performed better on a cognitive challenge.

Overall, these studies show that moving our bodies helps to stimulate our intellect. A short jog can help you mentally re-energize, think more quickly and clearly, and approach the rest of the day with a more optimistic outlook.

Exercising has been proved to be beneficial to mental health and may even make some people happier than earning more money, according to previous research. Moreover, numerous studies have demonstrated that running is a fast, efficient, and effective technique to increase heart health, longevity, bone strength, muscle strength, and endurance. When you combine jogging with strength training, all of the above becomes much truer.

The research

The research team gathered a group of 26 people and asked them to run on a treadmill for 10 minutes at a moderate pace to test their theory. Each person, however, did the Stroop Color–Word Test before and after that.

A set of tests are included in the exam to judge cognition quality and speed. One such assignment, for example, involves seeing the word “red” (or another hue) but with the characters presented in green. The subject must then name the actual color being displayed as quickly as possible, rather than the word. That may appear to be a straightforward process, but it necessitates the mind’s ability to distinguish between what it is reading and what it is actually seeing. In a more scientific sense, the brain is compelled to process both sets of data and then suppress the irrelevant data.

The results showed that after ten minutes of moderate intensity running, the Stroop interference effect time was significantly reduced. Moreover, during the Stroop task, bilateral prefrontal activity had increased considerably after running for 10 minutes. Participants reported being in a better mood after running. “This was supported by findings of coincident activations in the prefrontal cortical regions involved in mood regulation,” first study author Chorphaka Damrongthai notes.

During this time, individuals’ brain activity was monitored using functional near-infrared spectroscopy.

Ultimately the study authors conclude that the findings are helpful in supporting moderate running’s influence on mental health because running is a readily accessible type of exercise requiring minimum equipment and sport structure.