Weak points to target


Well-known member
As most of y’all know I have been taking an early approach to a summer bod with my current cycle. I just hit 4 weeks into my 10 week cycle and seem to be shaping up nicely. I am starting to see abs even though still have a little fat on my stomach. I plan to up cardio to get the rest of that. My workout is john meadows gamma bomb 2 I believe. So I’ve really been hitting unique stuff in the gym I’ve never done. With all that being said some areas of the body are lagging behind the rest mainly the lower chest. My chest has shape but still fatty in the lower swoop. So my question is how would you get rid of this? Let cardio and diet run its coarse or target lower chest more with added weak point training? Been feeling no gyno just never hit lower chest as hard as the chest as a whole. Any trading tips for this area would be great.
Never looked into adding gh may need to consider. A lot of the workout targets upper chest and chest as a whole. I was wondering if I should do weak point training like how Arnold talked about with incline. By starting chest workouts with hitting lower chest at every angle at the beginning of the workout when fresh. Or should I just continue upper and overall chest workouts and let the lower chest to grow with the rest naturally.
No doubt

I was gonna say that you could switch from one to the other but it seems like you already mix it up.
The next thing I would do is exactly like you said and start directly targeting the area with specific movements. I would stay away from machines if you can and while doing incline decline and flat bench use dumbbells the machine could be making it so that you aren’t getting the most out of the movement.
Using machines isn’t bad but as an example I have a buddy who had an injury to his arm and his arms aren’t the same length and he can’t turn his wrist flat. Him using a Smith machine or a barbell doesn’t work because he can’t grip it correctly to get the correct movement.

Anything like that happening with you?
I don’t believe so. I’m sure I’d be noticing it if that’s the case. I’ll test it today. To me this has always been my weak area from cut to bulk seems to be my genetic fat storage spot. It doesn’t look aesthetically bad. Just chest looks fuller and not as dry and lean as the rest of me.
I like to rotate my workouts , for example one chest day I’ll target upper with only pressing movements. Next chest day I’ll target lower with pressing movements. And on the third I’ll hit it as a whole with all fly movements, decline fly, incline fly, cable fly and so on. My chest is probably my best feature and doing this has helped me alot. Gotta remember your muscle grows when at rest, so if your always targeting the whole chest your not giving that muscle group enough time to regenerate and rest.
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That’s a good theory. I just went with a structured workout. But at the same time I need to adjust the workout now to my specific needs. Out of everything I’d say it’s my weakest aesthetically, but always been my strongest muscle.