Welcome MagnumRoids!


Staff member
@magnumroids is from another forum I was a mod on. Great mod and great person. Keeps shit clear of BS and knows the type of people we want here in our community. I want to welcome him on board to the mod team and appreciate him coming over to assist.

@PHD @Bigmurph
Hey guys, nice to be here. For me I am just a grunt, a front line soldier who takes marching orders and goes on but am very old school with some knowledge on a wide variety of items but I will not…
i can’t wait to read some of that old school knowledge because the newer ways of doing things are not the methods I like to use. I don’t want to be a mass monster just big and hard bodied. using the least amount of compounds possible the newer ways seem to be using as many compounds as possible. I read some of the cycles posted and I can only shake my head knowing that this guy is just destroying his body.
Bigmurph said:
using the least amount of compounds possible the newer ways seem to be using as many compounds as possible
I am about to start utilizing some compounds now that I am in the bulking phase of my lifts. Like you, I want to be more natural and use the least amount of compounds possible, yet, I also have no ideas which compounds do what. Not that I wanna hijack this thread, but are there any compounds that favor being more protein based?
You want compounds like dbol which is very high in protein synthesis. It comes with alot of sides but primo has even more protein synthesis but its expensive and more of a clean bulking compound