Well now that my vacation is done

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Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
I’m supposed to get back in the gym with consistency and vigor. Unfortunately all it did was make me care less. Less about the gym less about living here. I cried most the drive home. I miss social life. Some people like being at home not me I want to be out in public as much as possible. Here I don’t know of any bars or night life I could even go be around people my age and then it’s all driving which k don’t do. Add that the gym i go so won’t do much to help me move forward with the pl and it just sucks. I went to lunch with a guy two weeks ago and it was the first time I had gone anywhere woth some body here since my friend moved over a year ago not counting gf. Anybody outside of her on the female that i try and date quickly blow me off and it’s just tough feeling alone outside of work and the gym. I don’t have the well I’m fucked up on drugs excuse anymore. I’m just here alone
Brother in times like youve got right here use it to reflect plan and improve yourself to become more than you thought you could be. Also like @Poppy said here its a time you wont even remember in a month.
Keep your nose clean above all else
And remember that it also can take quite a while for the ole noggin to level out after weve done drugs
I hear you guys but ti have tendency to do something for few years then just fully burnout of it. I know I won’t stop going to gym but it maybe less about performance for me now and I’ll just do it for socializing.
Dirtnasty said:
less about performance for me
Me too. I get bored with just about everything. That’s why I have half dozen projects around here that are “mostly” done. I’ll get to them…I don’t need to be reminded every 6 months haha.

The constant styes aren’t helping my gym going I can’t see out of eye. This is the worst I’ve had. Usuallh it gets oike this after squats but I haven’t gymed in week
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Dam. Have you seen a doctor about it. And ya. Life has gotta be fun sometimes. So don’t force it. Do your thing socialize and just do what you feel like doing at the gym. Don’t always have to have a plan
I’ve got my gym training down to ~ 20 minutes recently.

This helps my boredom as I can do other things half assed too.
Draining tomorrow just goig to say this week was a loss for gym get back at Monday unless they say I’m good to go after draining it then light leg work tomorrow
They decided to not drain my eye as infection is active and they don’t like to do that unless it’s stays for two weeks so more meds and got eye wash foam. Will try and do some light leg curls and extensions today need to do something or I’ll hate myself more
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