I’m supposed to get back in the gym with consistency and vigor. Unfortunately all it did was make me care less. Less about the gym less about living here. I cried most the drive home. I miss social life. Some people like being at home not me I want to be out in public as much as possible. Here I don’t know of any bars or night life I could even go be around people my age and then it’s all driving which k don’t do. Add that the gym i go so won’t do much to help me move forward with the pl and it just sucks. I went to lunch with a guy two weeks ago and it was the first time I had gone anywhere woth some body here since my friend moved over a year ago not counting gf. Anybody outside of her on the female that i try and date quickly blow me off and it’s just tough feeling alone outside of work and the gym. I don’t have the well I’m fucked up on drugs excuse anymore. I’m just here alone