Went for a hike this morning

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Staff member
So I took a hike this am to clear my Brain Housing Group,and this was part of my view.Its not to hot today,so I throughly enjoyed it.I am workin on appreciating the small things in life,and I’m a outdoors kind of dude,so it’s easy for me to enjoy this kind of stuff,but I want to get into the mode of enjoying other small things.
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I don’t, my wife is pretty carefree about all my hobbies, and I would love a crotch rocket,but her dad crashed his motorcycle a long time ago with her on it,and she kinda has PTSD from it, so for her, I wont ever get one,she even worries when I’m on my quad,cause I just might be a bit reckless on it…
I can understand that ive gone down above 50mph 3x in the rain every time its not fun at all im extremely lucky and I honestly believe that me being in great shape protected me because I was able to control my body even against the G forces trying to throw me around I don’t ride the crotch rockets because I don’t want to go 100+ im scared of that myself after going down.
I stick with high cc scooters and American cycles.
And that’s where I’d fuck up,I would just want a straight away, and go fast,and would just keep pressing my luck til the inevitable happened…
Hiking is the a blast. Haven’t done much of it this year myself. This pic is from a month ago. In the 1600s the town would have “meetings” on top this hill. Interesting place with a great view of the Atlantic.
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