SB Labs

Westside vs The World

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Well-known member
This movie got me motivated. These guys is freaks of nature. You have to be off your rockers to be training with these guys. Talk about pushing the limits. I like some of the methods and training tools Louie comes up with. Can’t wait to hit the gym in the morning!
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Makes my dick hard and my back soft knowing there isn’t a reverse hyper anywhere close me
My gym here on my island just got a reverse Hyper. But the only people I seen use it is women’s. Now that I know what the hell it is I’m gonna start using it.
Will at least pass it along to owner of gym I’ve telling about reverse hyper since i joined. Of course I also get back pumps and it seems to be best at getting rid of those
I’ve been dying to try one to see if it lives up to the hype. Thanks for the blue print. I think rogue gets $700+ for one of these
Fuck health I’m eating like @John . Is more my speed. Lmao. Jk. I watched the trailer and ya. Those guys are special to say the least. Don’t mean that in a bad way. If that is who you compare yourself to then ok I am starting to get you now!! That’s like my son setting Aaron Rodgers as the bar for his qb skills. That’s a personality trait. And explains your drive. That’s a true competitors trait. Keep it safe (not half joking). Lol.
That one works well. A little extra bracing for heavier folks like me. And I drilled all the way through the sides so the top crossbar could rotate freely. I’ll post pics when I get home.
I had the pleasure of being at some of the same meets as some of those guys. I say being at the same meets instead of competing against, because I was a mere human among mutants. I’ve seen some of my friends go lift for lift with Chuck Volgelpohl. They mention Rick Husseys BIG Iron as well, I knew a few guys from there pretty well, Jim Grandick helped me with some of my training many many years ago.
That’s an amazing documentary, but I’d like to see it more in depth, more about BIG because it’s still around, more about Dave Tate and the EFS lifters. More about the lilliebridges, a family of mutants, etc. powerlifting does not get enough publicity, shows like that bring to light how fucking awesome the sport is.
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