What bb, coach, etc has had the most influence on you

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Well-known member
Just like the title says. Who has had the influence on you in your training, diet, etc in the world of bodybuilding?
In my case in no particular order I’d have to say
Scott Stevenson
Dorian Yates
John Meadows
Skip Hill
Dante Trudel
Phil Hernon

I’m definitely more of a fan of diet and training knowledge than I am of who the top competitors are.
I definitely have my favorite competitors but it’s not necessarily the top guys with the most amazing physiques. I’m a huge fan of the hardest training guys like Dusty Hanshaw and Jordan Peters.
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I’d say top is John meadows and I’m fortunate enough to have him as my coach
Jay cutler (business mind and how to conduct yourself)
Dusty hanshaw and Jordan peters (hardcore training and all around good people )
Dr Scot Stephenson super knowledgeable met him at North Americans this past year
I met Dusty Hanshaw at the Arnold incredibly cool guy. I felt like a star struck kid lol.
I think the scariest looking guy I met was Martyn Ford lol he was just unreal. Looked like a movie monster.
I’d love to meet and work with John. I go to the gym with Skip Gillon, Cydney Gillons dad I was talking to him about John one day.
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Well seeing as I don’t know a quarter of the people mentioned, and most of the knowledge I have acquired came/comes from here… A little from my buddy/old src
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