SB Labs

What do you think, will you be able to see the cubes on my abs in a month?)

Ladydandelion said:
Do you know any exercises to improve reaction?
You’re getting out of my wheelhouse… I’m not sure if speed as it relates to Force production for weight/power lifting is the same for swords/fencing.

I don’t suppose jumping would hurt… box jumps long jumps jumps for reach.
This would be going into plyometric training exercises I believe.

In boxers no increased force or time but stamina is developed. That can be achieved with other resistance exercises anyway.

There’s a big divide between what coaches say work and what science says works. Example is shadow boxing with weights. Some coaches will swear it makes them faster while science says it’s pointless for that. It will make them stronger for stability and stamina. It’s just a conditioning exercise.
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Welcome here. I believe anything that challenges your brains ability to respond quickly to a oncoming threat will increase your ability to respond. And respond with agility not in a sloppy way. Boxing is a good example. I also believe that strength increases speed. Maybe not by much but when taking and object that has weight to it like a sword or a baseball bat it makes a difference. Not bulk but strength. But strength trading definitely increases explosiveness. Don’t have any science to back it up but as a coach and ex athlete these are my experiences