What do you guys think of cutting edge supplements


IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
Hey guys wanted to get your opinion and see if everyone would like to have top notch supplements featured on here so we can get good quality products at decent prices? I talked to @TG and he liked the idea want to see what the community thought? Here is their preworkout and holy shit it’s good. It’s better than the original DMAA no jitters and explosive energy no crash. Full line is available. Let’s hear what you all think!



@TG @Fitraver @MBTJR1980 @Pastor @SemperFi @KodiakGrrl @Bigmurph
Sodium?? Umm that’s a random question. I posted the ingredients bro. there is none.
Once I get official approval I’ll get UGM members a discount
I think that anything that can benefit the membership should be considered. Who doesn’t like saving some cash?!

I am not a big OTC supps guy but I am all for it if @PHD thinks this companies standards is deserving of our business. 😉
I like the idea but I’m kinda in the boat of a multi and other “protective” supps. That’s totally personal. I feel my body’s filters are pressed enough. I 'll probably end up buying a bunch anyway. I’m a bitch for good marketing.😸
I haven’t tried it… pre works outs kinda make me feel a bit ‘off’ … if I use them I take half the dose and superpump makes me crash badly …
Funny. The gaspari superpump when it first came out was really helpful and I felt dense during workout , no mental perk. I definitely don’t need that. Then sumperpump 2 came out and all The rage was speed, then everyone was touting the fact that they were going back to original formula! Was never the same. I’m convinced 15 years ago everything was spiked.
@KodiakGrrl superdump I mean superpump is junk and most pre workouts make me crash also. I had zero crash with this. I don’t use them regularly just because I don’t want to be dependent on them.