What is a Ketogenic Diet

Let me know how it goes. I’m running keto and intermittent fasting until thanksgiving then doing a lean bulk. I’m always open to suggestions
I don’t have an answer for you bother. I wish I did.

Do you think your getting enough electrolytes? If not eat a lillte more salt and add magnesium & potassium supps.
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@SemperFi thoughts?

Also, ruled.me calculator said for lifters it could be up to 1.2g/lb so they agreed with this guys assessment. I plan to use that number on my diet I’m making. Was wondering if that’s truly the top or I could go closer to 1.5g line I do on a carb diet. He seems to think you can absolutely go over 1.2.

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I don’t truly agree with him when thinking about a ‘true’ ketogenic diet but his point is valid to some degree. If you are thinking about lean muscle increases than there is nothing wrong with a ‘modified’ ketogenic diet. Many could successfully argue that going as high as 45% proteins is good or better for muscle increases and I would agree with that. But this would be a ‘modified’ ketogenic diet not a true ketogenic diet.

I bring up terms and statements that could easily be argued against and that is perfectly acceptable. I simply have a firm belief in what I consider a true ketogenic diet based on my own learning. Anything outside of my personal beliefs I consider a modified ketogenic diet.
Okay I can see that. And it makes sense to me too.

What do you run your protein at given you obviously love this lifestyle and lifting weights is an important part of your goals. So either for muscle gain or at minimum muscle retention without losing. Do you do 1.2?

I will say, when my cals were lower and I still wanted carbs, I was running my protein lower than 1.5 and maybe closer to 1, and I didn’t see any drop off. So I can easily see 1.2 being plenty to retain/grow muscle on. But I tend to shy towards 1.5 in my plans (closer to 2 right now just cuz cals are so high) to be safe.

Ps. To say I am struggling to make a plan would be a vast understatement. Can I just eat bacon and ranch for every meal?! Lmao. This is truly difficult when it’s a foreign world to you. I can make normal meals plans in my sleep.
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@SemperFi is there a guideline to follow when it comes to cooking with oil/butter and how it affects their nutrition value??

For instance, say I out a tbsp of butter in a frying pan and cook a steak in it. How much of the original macros for that tbsp of butter would I count (ie how much cooks away)?

Something I’ve never had to think about before lol
Great question and not one easy to answer. I can tell you what I know and do but I can’t answer the macro issue. Overheating oil that leads to the oil smoking drastically changes its makeup and not for the good. This is one of the reasons I use avacado oil for high temp cooking and I never cook with olive oil. When using butter it is best to use it for lower temp cooking or add it towards the end of the cooking process. If I was going to pan sear a steak I would sear it in avacado oil then finish it with a pad of butter then remove it from the pan and allow it to rest for a few minutes.

Sorry this was long winded and didn’t directly answer your question. 😉
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Haha it’s okay that is still very helpful info. I tried googling a thousand different things and couldn’t find the answer either. I wasn’t even sure how to ask the question in google. Seems nobody knows lol.
I always logged the full amount used. I’m not sure if that was right, but if I used a tbsp of butter, it had to go somewhere.
Yeah that’s what I’m guessing most do. I was just curious as I’m sure some of it just cooks away too and you wouldn’t they the full amount (if you’re using it in a frying pan to cook with I mean - not like if just added to a baked goods recipe or whatever).