SB Labs

What is the best compound?

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What is the best or is there even an ideal compound for situations where you have to go without regular meals and training for up to 6 weeks?
Is there anything like this that could slow loss or be anti catabolic?
Half of my year is like this schedule and i feel like my progress is all over the place.
It’s like @Dirtnasty said… lots of this stuff was concocted to combat wasting diseases/conditions.

But also like he said…unless you’re putting tension on the muscles and eating appropriately…you’re not going to “build” muscle mass.
Oh yeah i know not build buthold where im at better.
Would yall just use test or is there a compound that is specifically designed to stop catabolic situations
6 weeks is a fair break for recovery, health and repair for your body. I mean you can do calisthenics if you can’t make the gym. Back when I was a young man, was off cycle as long as on. In the field, no weighs, we trained with what we could find and do all kinds of stuff to keep it on. Incline push-ups. Ammo can squats. Lunges. Comm wire lat rows. There is always a way to train. No gym just means more ingenuity. 😅
This :point_up:is truth right here. I’ve trained creatively at home the past 9 months and look better than ever. No joke, 15 minutes a day is enough to grow if you work hard. Food isn’t a problem. You can chug a protein shake in 2 minutes. My diet consists of 5 protein shakes and 1 meal most days. Like everyone has said already, all AAS will spare muscle loss, build muscle, etc. There’s a study on guys who didn’t workout and took testosterone and they put on more muscle than guys who worked out consistently and didn’t take AAS.
A good cleanse I’ve used in past is all veggies you want. No dressing with fat. And two servings fruit per day for a week. Drinking water with fresh squeezed lemon and also some apple cider vinegar with mama.

Finish with a 24 hour fast only water and some veggie broth. Feels great. Plus shed quite a bit of fat in process.
In my job i go through 6 to 8 weeks of insane schedules to where i might eat only 1 time a day and not be in the gym due to exhaustion. I wanna be able to hold my gains better would something work better than just test do the job?
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