What the F is up with gas prices?

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
So I totally understand the pipeline was hacked and all the BS that goes with that. But the gas that is already delivered and in tanks has been bought and paid for correct? How the fuck can the prices jump up immediately? Isn’t that price gauging? I get there may be a shortage but this fuel was already processed. Maybe someone smarter than me can explain.
Oh boy…I wish I could get my wife on here to unload on this topic.

Technically, it is price gouging … If it was already purchased and in the gas tanks below pump. The pipeline has not suffered a decrease per what the company and oil companies have stated, but because oil is one of those F’ing commodities that’s traded based on “speculation”, the idiots that control media outlets on shit like this, blow it out of proportion causing prices to immediately go up for NO reason.

Less analytical than what my wife would explain, but somewhat crayon summary version by me.
Yes it is the reason gas prices are soaring, it isn’t OPEC and it isn’t about the pipeline Biden needed something to blame it on the fact is he stopped all fracking and the USA was oil independent under Trump now we don’t buy from Saudi Arabia anymore we buy from China now I bet no one knows about that?

We had the cheapest gas prices and were completely good with our own supplies of crude and natural gas.

Thanks Biden

5$ gas prices coming soon to a gas station near you
I am annoyed i wish gas was cheaper, my brother drives a prius and is making fun of me now, becuse i use to joke with him when gas was $2 a gallon. Now he makes fun of me.
Yeah, for sure! She has an account, and has lurked around for awhile. Now that you have the WFF @Bigmurph i think she will take the time to engage some more versus in the past. We chatted about her Corporate Economist and Financial Planning career, which sparked some good discussions on here not too long ago on some topics y’all posted, and then you created the WFF, which is awesome.
I always say this when people complain about gas prices. They should be higher when account inflation over the years.
Well sleepy Joe ain’t so sleepy and all them polotitions want there money back republicans included he did this on first day in office we been using the crap out of pipeline now we ain’t and it takes time to get that stuff from there to here ships renegotiated prices payoffs bribes you know. I wish I could say that the people who voted for him would see it but they don’t even get it
Same goes for lumber. This time lumber futures were at 300 now they are at 1500. Even though in the south you can’t sell your trees to the mills because you’d basically be giving it away. Yet every mill here is sky high with lumber. But in store it cost $88 for fucking osb. The only thing covid did was crush small business so big companies could take everything we make.
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