SB Labs

What were typical cycles and cost in the late 70's and cost?


Active member
When I started in the late 70’s there was no information readily out there except what you could squeeze out of the big guys and even then they would not tell you about true amounts. There were more then enough doctors who would gladly write for you for their $25 fee but you had to tell them what you wanted, most had no idea! In the US there was test E, test suspension, Deca, Dianabol, anavar and winstrol tabs. The test E was $49 for 100 mg per ml 20 ml bottle, Deca was $11 per 100mg per ml 2ml vial and the orals were roughly $50 per hundred and there were generics available for each. The price really hasn’t gone up too bad but you knew what you were getting. Today we have so many choices and thanks to boards like this we have the wisdom to help us choose!
The generic was $7 and there were 200 mg pre packed ready to go from organon 5 in a box $100. Oh forgot they were 22 ga. spikes!
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A bit later in the mid eighties it was around the same a doc would usually sell 2mg winny for 25 a 100, anavar 2.5 searle like 40, test 30 to 40, but for years lyphomed deca came in 25 200mg case. As low as 100 bucks. The $tory was the warehouse had so much it took a long time too miss it. If you used lyphomed deca you probably know the whole story. When the Russian and polish dbol and omadren etc. Came around it was very cheap. And the growth was rumored to be crescormon. I still think protropin was out. When the 191aa growth came out…86? Protropin the 192 was very cheap and I heard it worked 50% developed anti bodies to it. The worst part was before counterfits guys would empty bottles and put season oil in there or whatever. You could crip and uncrimp with a butter knife.
I can remember guys running like 4 tabs of that anavar and getting results! I use to buy sus 250 for $7 per amp and Watson test depot 200 10 ml for $45 in mid 90s…readily available in every gym in the city… most suppliers carried them around in their fanny waist packs! Lol
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It’s weird, I was competing by 15 and with no internet, we still would hear of " this monster in Iowa, or indiana. Then to be at quads gym on a Saturday or Ernie frantz’s…Getting to train at Sergio Oliva’s power and beauty was equal to taking an extra 200 mg of test anyway.