Where are all of the reviews?


Forum moderator
Hey guys, I often see members commenting on stuff about how they have been running such and such since however long but I’ve noticed we are lacking on reviews. If you are running gear for long enough or have ran from sponsors here whether you are pleased or displeased, please post your reviews. I know I myself would often check the reviews in the past before making a decision. Thanks!
I’ll have an actual review of hupharmas test cyp, this week, just waiting for my blood results that I got taken on Thursday. I have made a order review already but knew it wouldn’t matter without bloods
No problem, that is what we are all here for, to help each other out. I can say I definitely feel it but can’t say what the levels will be. My other two test cycles were enanthate years ago, I know test is test regardless of ester and I was a bit younger then but do feel like it hit me much more back then. I’ll explain all of that in my review in the coming days. Just to reiterate though, I am in no way saying that this is bad gear quite the opposite, I feel great.
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